Table 2.

Mean scores for species frequently used as park and street trees in Oslo, 1989-1993.

SpeciesGeneral impressionLeaf necrosisPest attackDieback of twigs and branches
A. platanoides4.9c6.4ab2.0b0.2b0.5d2.0b2.4a0.2a
A. pseudoplatanus4.7c6.7ab2.7a0.1b1.1c1.3b2.4a0.0a
A. hippocastanum5.8b7.2a3.3a0.3ab0.1e1.0b0.4c0.0a
B. pendula5.7b5.9b0.5c0.6a0.3d0.0c1.0b0.1a
T. platyphyllos6.5a6.5ab0.1c0.1b3.9a3.8a1.1b0.0a
T. x vulgaris6.5a6.3b0.1c0.0b3.1b2.9a1.1b0.2a
Mean (weighted)
  • - Scale 0-9

  • - Values followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly different at p=0.05