Table 4.

Root dry mass over time and final root-shoot ratios of seven tree species growing with (+) and without (–) treeshelters. Some roots <1 cm in diameter remained in the soil after root system excavation, (n=8 for 3- and 6-month data, n=20 for 1-year data, n=10 for 2-year data)

SpeciesRoot Dry Mass (g)
3 months1 year2 yearsRoot:Shoot (dry mass basis)
Fraxinus iatifoiia46.3 a17.8 b259 a147 b1473 a1051 b0.45 a0.46 a
Ginkgo biloba5.3 a4.0 b6a4 a34 a18 b1.47 a1.06 b
Lagerstroemia indica13.3a11.3a39 a28 b1574 a180 b2.52 a0.28 b
Platanus racemosa40.7 a27.3 b673 a287 b2394 a1561 b0.26 a0.38 a
Quercus agrifolia12.2 a8.4 a43 a40 a165 a135 a0.24 a0.25 a
Quercus lobata12.5 a13.8 a91 a66 b664 a316 b0.49 a0.34 b
Sequoia sempervirens7.3 a4.0 a64 a15 b404 a37 b0.36 a0.03 b
  • Values followed by the same letter for each time period are not significantly different from one another at p=0.05 using Scheffe’s multiple separation procedure.