Table 3.

Two year terminal and lateral shoot growth of ‘Patmore’ greenash and ‘Autumn Purple’ white ash whips after three terminal bud pruning treatments.

‘Patmore’ Green Ash
YearBud pruning treatmentzTerminal shootLateral shoot No.Avg. lateral shoot
length (cm)cal. (mm)length (cm)caliper (mm)
Lateral bud removal44.0a8.4a2.3a30.6b4.9b
Terminal bud cluster removal46.6a8.5a2.7a45.4a6.4a
Lateral bud removal94.7a17.9a--78.0a12.1a
Terminal bud cluster removal89.0a17.3a--73.0a14.5a
'Autumn Purple' White Ash
Lateral bud removal44.4a8.8a2.2a25.9a5.1b
Terminal bud cluster removal36.9a6.8b1.9a32.6a7.0a
Lateral bud removal32.1a15.1a--28.2ab9.1b
Terminal bud cluster removal43.5a15.5a--37.9a12.8a
  • z Bud pruning treatments: intact, no treatment; lateral bud pruning, lateral buds in terminal bud cluster were removed leaving the terminal bud intact; terminal bud cluster removal, the terminal 2.5 cm of the terminal bud cluster was removed and the upper most intercluster bud was taped to re-establish a central leader.

  • y Means within a column and species followed by different letters are significantly different from each other at the alpha=0.10 level using the Student-Newman-Kuels test.