Table 7.

Significantz Pearson correlation coefficients between trunk angle while winching to 4.1 MN/m2 bending stress in the direction that resulted in the highest correlation with root attributes (roots >3 mm diameter) of the dug root ball for mahogany grown in either SC or PC 3.8 L and 9.5 L containers.

Root attributePearson’s correlation coefficient (PC; SC)
Azimuth difference (roots >3 mm diameter)y0.59; 46
% trunk circled with roots >3 mm diameter0.56; ns
Imprint from linerx0.53; 46
No. straight rootsw−0.49; ns
Total CSA deflected rootsv0.46; ns
Imprint from 9.5 L containerxns; 0.46
Root ball symmetryuns; −0.45
  • zSignificant at P < 0.05, ns = P > 0.05; n = 36.

  • yMean change in root azimuth direction (in degrees) from trunk origin to root ball edge.

  • x1 = imprint made by deflected roots not visible; 5 = imprint highly visible.

  • wStraight roots were those at the edge of the dug root ball that grew from trunk into field soil at <45 degrees from soil surface without making a turn of more than 60 degrees relative to azimuth of the parent root at trunk.

  • vRoots that made >60 degree turn at the position of the liner, 3.8 L, or 9.5 L container wall.

  • uVisual rating, 1 = asymmetrical and one sided; 5 = symmetrical.