AshAsh dieback, decline (general)1Fraxinus americanaF. pennsylvanica | Drought periods | Bark canker fungi: Cytophoma pruinosa Fusicoccum sp. |
Dieback (general, near coastal salt marshes with Spartina grass hostsFraxinus spp. | Defoliation by rust fungus, Puccinia peridermiospora | None | Dieback occurs the season following severe defoliation/refoliation
| Most trees will recover unless defoliation is repeated or coincides with drought. |
Beech Beech bark disease (general in east through NY and mid-PA; northeastern WV.) Fagus grandifolia F. syivatica | Attack by the beech scale, Cryptococcus fagisuga | Bark canker fungi: Nectria coccinea var. faginata; N. galligena |
Dogwood Lower branch dieback, anthracnose (southern New England, northern midAtlantic states; urban, woodlands)Cornus florida, native and cultivars | Suspected: series of unusually wet springs, followed by summer dry periods | Leaf and twig fungus (Discula sp. Gnomonia sp.) of anthracnose type |
| Not yet known |
Maple Maple decline (general;forest) Acer saccharum | Defoliation by a number of insects including:
| The shoestring root rot fungus, Armillaria mellea, and twig fungus, Stegonosporum sp. |
“Roadside” maple decline2 A. saccharum | Deicing salts, and/or construction damage to roots | Many twig, root and stem decay fungi |
“Urban” maple decline (Wisconsin) saccharum | Suspect stress of planting trees too deeply in heavy soils, or settling of trees after planting | Soil borne canker fungi: Fusarium sp.; Phytophtho. citricola |
Oak Oak decline (general) Quercus spp. | Defoliation by any of several insects including:
| The shoestring root rot fungus, A. mellea; and the twolined chestnut borer, Agrilus bilineatus |
Oak decline (midwest; urban)
| Adverse soil changes, including alkalinization, caused by various urban practices and disturbance | The shoestring fungus, A. mellea, and the borer, A. bilineatus |
| Keep “wooded” areas as natural as possible; avoid watering with hard water, runoff from concrete surfaces, fertilizing with limebased fertilizers, mixing of soil by construction, grading, etc. Mulch and reduce grass competition |
Oak decline (midwest; general)
| Periods of unusual springtime wetness in areas where soil overlies dense clays | The shoestring fungus, A. mellea, and the borer, A. bilineatus |
| None known |
Pin oak canker dieback3 (mid-Atlantic states; urban)
| Pruning wounds made during drought | Bark canker fungus: Endothia gyrosa |
↵1. Ash trees are hosts also to several viruses and a mycoplasmalike organism (MLO). Evidence is mounting that the MLO can cause growth loss and mortality — and effects may be especially serious in times of drought. This disease is now known as ash yellows, or ash yellow decline.
↵2. Both Na and Cl ions are cumulatively toxic to sugar maple. Heavy, repeated salt contamination can kill trees even in the absence of secondary organisms
↵3. Endothia gyrosa also causes cankers and dieback associated with pruning wounds in American and Formosan sweetgum and in American beech. In this respect it is similar to the fungus Nectria cinnabarina, a pruning wound pathogen of many urban tree species that is especially serious during severe droughts.