Table 1.

Results of insecticide sprays applied to black walnut foliage infested with walnut caterpillar larvae. Each treatment was applied on 3 branches at Simpson, III., on Aug. 10, 1976.

No. of live larvae before treatmentNo. of larvae found after treatment Aug. 12
Treatment & rate/100 gal.Aug. 10LiveDead
Malathion, 50EC, 1.0 qt.130 091
 83 079
 19 011
Diazinon, 25EC, 1.0 qt. 58 036
 24 012
123 022
Acephate, 75SP, 1.0 lb. (Orthene) 41 015
 59 017
 43 021
B. thuringiensis, WP, 33 017
0.5 lb. (Dipel) 73 052
 62 023
Check 1918 0
 1717 0
 6024 0