Table 1.

Mean values of tree performance and soil assessments over the three site types.

gravelpavedturf íïignif
1990 shoot exten (cm)5.4a4.2b6.8a.001
1991 shoot e×ten (cm)12.9b1.1b19.9a.001
1990 leaf colour (1-5)2.97b3.15b1.94a.001
1991 leaf colour (1-5)2.88b3.09b1.78a.001
1990 leaf area(cm2)59.0b57.4b79.1a.001
1991 leaf area(cm2)99.5b94.1b140.9a.001
1990 crown density (%)77a77a70b.05
1991 crown density (%)69b66b78a.001
1990 N (%)1.24c1.40b1.90a.001
1991 N (%)1.43b1.52b1.99a.001
1990 P (%)0.11b0.12b0.14a.001
1991 P (%)0.13c0.15a0.15b.001
1990 K(%)1.42b1.78a0.88c.001
1991 K(%)1.42a1.49a1.02b.001
1990 Mg (%)0.27ab0.28a0.24b.05
1991 Mg (%)0.30a0.31a0.23b.001
1990 Ca (%)1.80a1.51b1.75a.01
1991 Ca (%)1.59ab1.47b1.71a.01
1991 Cl (%)0.44a0.35b0.41 ab.058
dry bulk density (g/cm3)1.92a1.83b1.76c.001
cum s.m.t.*
1 May 90 -31 Jul 902820b1020c3841a.001
cum s.m.t.
1 May 91 -31 Jul 912907a26c1214b.001
  • Within each row, figures accompanied by the same letter are not significantly different.

  • * cumulative soil moisture tension expressed as the total shortfall of values below 80 as recorded on the gypsum block meter.