Table 1.

Variables derived from the assessment and included in statistical analysis.

MotivationsThemes coded from open-ended questions, recoded as factor variable (1 = motivation mentioned, 0 = motivation not mentioned).
Gender (female)Multiple choice (female, male, other), other responses dropped from analysis, recoded as a factor variable (female = 1, male = 0).
Political viewsLikert scale 1 = very liberal, 7 = very conservative, continuous.
Race (white)Multiple choice, recoded as a factor variable (white/Caucasian = 1, other categories = 0).
AgeContinuous number.
EducationMultiple choice, recoded as a factor variable (bachelor’s degree or higher = 1, other levels of education = 0).
IncomeMultiple choice.
Proportion of life in NYCDerived from years of life in NYC divided by age, continuous.