Table 4.

Visible injury ratings for eastern white pine, 1985.

Seedx lot no.No. trees ratedNo. trees injuredChlorotic mottling
Current yr.1-yr.Both yrs.
14201512 (1.1)y1 (3.0)2 (1.0)
4015109 (1.3)1 (1.0)- -
  4161010 (1.3)- -- -
1215  77 (1.2)- -- -
1716  77 (1.2)- -- -
4419  72 (1.0)5 (1.0)- -
3317  66 (1.4)- -- -
  611  61 (1.0)- -- -
6116  53 (2.0)- -- -
5516  55 (2.0)- -- -
  820  43 (2.0)- -1 (1.5)
6518  32 (2.0)- -1 (1.5)
5820  33 (1.0)- -- -
3616  22 (2.0)- -- -
  218  22 (1.0)- -- -
  318  22 (1.5)- -- -
4320  22 (2.0)- -- -
5114  11 (1.0)- -- -
2319  11 (1.0)- -- -
3919  11 (1.0)- -- -
1020  11 (1.0)- -- -
  • x Listed according to % injury rank; all unlisted seed lots were not injured

  • y Number of trees, and in parenthesis the weighted mean value for chlorotic mottle injury on a scale of 1 -3 (0 to 15%)