Table 2

Number of injection sites and correlation coefficients of the left and right injection site distances (Fig. 1) to the distal distribution of dye in the circumference of the branch.

CharacterNumber of injection sites 0.5 to 1.5 × branch radiusCorrelation (R) D to C*
Acer saccharum811.70.40
Fraxinus pennsylvanica911.80.55
Gleditsia triacanthos1111.53.69
Juglans nigra1312.29.59
Litiodendron tulipifera1214.60.69
Malus sargentii710.52.50
Tilia americana1412.74.68
Ulmus procera1112.52.42
Injection dates
April 25610.51.82
May 91314.31.39
May 2565.49.79
June 201010.32.75
July 171516.49.45
August 311313.73.34
September 151113.41.49
October 51112.63.35
  • * D = Distance of injection site from X divided by branch diamneter (Fig. 1); R = Correlation coefficient; C = Branch circumference code, see Figure 1.