Table 1.

Maintenance vs. replacement, the twenty year costs of 400 University Avenue tuliptrees in Berkeley, California*

MaintenanceActivity costFrequencyTotal twenty year costs ($)
Activityper tree ($)per treeTuliptreesReplacements
Trimming2132 times in 20 yrs.170,400
 (structural)1 time in 20 yrs.85,200
Trimming322 times in 20 yrs25,600
 (clearance)3 times in 20 yrs38,400
Dead tree removal1001 tree in 100/yr.8,0008,000
Dead tree replacement1001 tree in 100/yr.8,0008,000
Watering (Jul-Sep)0.60Biweekly 1 st 3 yrs.none3,600
Trunk growth allowance25Once in 20 yrs.10,000none
Tuliptree removal100Once in 20 yrs.none40,000
Tuliptree replacement100Once in 20 yrsnone40,000
Sidewalk damage repair4003/8 of trees in 20 yrs.60,000none
Pest management972,000none
  • * Values are in 1984 dollars.