Table 3

Plant growth (fresh weight) when treated with various combinations of postemergent and preemergent herbicides.

TreatmentFresh Weights/gz
TaxusJ. chines is HetziJ. horizontalis Bar HarborCornus sericea
Check13.5 ab18.0 ab17.0 a 95.3 a
Glyphosate12.7 ab15.1 ab13.8 a108.8 a
Paraquat12.1 b12.8 b14.8 a102.0 a
Simazine + Diphenamid15.3 ab22.4 a19.8 a130.4 a
Glyphosate + Simazine + Diphenamid11.9 b23.4 a18.0 a119.6 a
Paraquat + Simazine + Diphenamid16.6 a19.9 ab17.3 a131.1 a
  • z Mean separation in columns by Duncan’s multiple range test, 5% level.