Table 1

Ectomycorrhizal development on container grown sawtooth and pin oak seedlings immediately prior to outplanting.

Seedling no.Pisolithus tinctorius (Pt)Inocuated with Telephora terrestris (Tt)Naturally inoculated
Sawtooth oaks
160 + 5 = 65a40b10b
270 + 0 = 904015
390 + 0 = 70505
440 + 10 = 50655
54 + 10 = 50455
670 + 5 = 75400
780 + 0 = 806510
840 + 15 = 553520
970 + 5 = 756010
1060 + 5 = 655510
X62 + 6 = 685010
Pin oaks
15 + 20 = 25a——c15b
260 + 0 = 60——20
35 + 10 = 15——20
420 + 5 = 25——20
540 + 5 = 45——10
610 + 20 = 30——10
750 + 5 = 55——20
830 + 0 = 30——10
940 + 10 = 50——10
1010 + 10 = 20——10
X27 + 9 = 36——15
  • a First number is percent of feeder roots with Pt ectomycorrhizae, the second number is percent of feeder roots with naturally occurring ectomycorrhizae, and the last number is the total ectomycorrhizal development.

  • b Since Tt and natural ectomycorrhizae appear the same to the unaided eye, only an estimate of percent feeder roots infected is possible. We must assume that a certain percent of ectomycorrhizae on the Tt seedlings are from natural sources.

  • c The development of Tt ectomycorrhizae on pin oak was so poor that these analyses were not undertaken and the condition was dropped.