Table 2.

Biological and phytogeographical characteristics of the selected tree species (1–6 literature sources; life span refers to urban areas). Asterisk (*) indicates hybrid.

SpeciesFamilyIndigenous (I); non-native (N)Native rangeMaximum height (m)Average growth rate per year (cm)Root systemLife span (years)
Acerpseudoplatanus L.AceraceaeIEurope and Caucasus/Asia15–30z0.63yFasciculate shallowx40–70w
Ailanthus altissima P. Mill.SimaroubaceaeNChina–North Vietnam20–30z0.63yTaprootsv30–50v
Betula pendula RothBetulaceaeINorthern Europe30z0.77yFasciculate shallowx80
Carpinus betulus L.BetulaceaeICentral and eastern Europe20z0.71u–0.77yFasciculate deepx50–70w
Gingko biloba L.GingkoaceaeNChina, Japan20–30z0.80yFasciculate deepx>250
Platanus × hispanica Mill.PlatanaceaeN*Europe30z0.89yFasciculate deepx100–120w
Quercus robur L.FagaceaeICentral and northern Europe30–40z0.70u–0.77yTaprootsx80-100w
Robinia pseudoacacia L.FabaceaeNNortheastern United States20–25z0.65u–0.74yFasciculate deepx40–50w
Tilia cordata MillerTiliaceaeIEngland/Wales, central and western Europe25z0.61u–0.62yFasciculate deepx80–100w
  • z von Malek and Wawrik (1985)

  • y Strobach et al. (2012)

  • x Odone (1992)

  • w Ferrari and Medici (1998)

  • v Russo et al. (2014)

  • u USDA (2012)