Table 1.

Primary seed sources of Gleditsia species used in biochemical analyses.

amorphoides (Gris.) Taub.Buenos AiresArgentina
aquatica Marsh.Morris ArboretumPhiladelphia, Pa. USA
caspica Desf.TaschkentUSSR
delavayi Franch.TaschkentUSSR
fera (Lour.) Merr.Agric. & Fisheries Dept.Hong kong
japonica Miq.Aritaki ArboreumJapan
japonica var. koraiensis NakaiForest Expt. Sta.Korea
macracantha Desf.Univ. AthensGreece
melanacantha Tang WangU.S. Plant Introd. Sta.Glenn Dale, Md. USA
microphylla Gord. (heretophylla Bunge)TaschkentUSSR
sinensis Lam.U.S. Plant Introd. Sta.Chico, Calif. USA
x texana Sarg.TaschkentUSSR
triacanthos L.variousUS and Foreign