Table 5.

Growth form, fall color, and preference ranking of elms in the U.S. National Elm Trial at each trial site.

Cultivar nameFormAutumn colorWestern statesCentral statesEastern statesTotal
American selections
‘Lewis & Clark’vaseyellow/green  0
‘New Harmony’ovalyellow/orangexxxxx  4
‘Princeton’vaseyellowxxxxxx  5
‘Valley Forge’vaseyellow/brownxxxx  3
Asian selections
‘Frontier’vasered/purplex  1
‘Morton Stalwart’vaseyellowxxxxxxxx  7
‘Pioneer’vaseyellow/orangexxx  3
‘Homestead’ovalgreen/yellowxx  2
‘Patriot’vasegreen/yellowxxxxxxxx  7
‘Morton’vaseyellow/brownxxxxxxxxx  9
‘Morton Red Tip’vaseyellowxxxxxxxxxxx  8
‘Emer I’vaseyellow/orangex  1
‘Emer II’ovalyellow/redx  1
‘BSNUPF’ovalyellow/orange  0
‘JFS Bieberich’vasegreen/yellowx  1
‘Morton Plainsman’vaseyellowxxxxx  4
‘New Horizon’ovalgreen/yellowxxxx  3
‘Morton Glossy’vasegreen/yellowxxxxxxxxxxx10
‘Prospector’vaseyellow/greenxxxx  4
  • z Fargo, North Dakota, U.S.

  • y Bismarck, North Dakota, U.S.

  • x Cultivars with ‘x’ indicates the cultivar was a preferred tree at that trial site based on overall ornamental characteristics.