Table 3

Carbohydrate content of root tissue (mg/g dry wt) of Fraxinus pennsylvanica seedlings for each root wire girdling treatment.

Glucose in bark147ay139a155a152a129a138a127a122a
Glucose in wood108a85a131a84a96a78a80a76a
Starch in bark156a175a139a202a176a160a152a128a
Starch in wood141b112b106b155ab214a125b120b98b
  • zNG = no girdle; FG = full girdle; PGG = partial girdle, girdle side of tissue; and PGN = partial girdle, splint side of tissue.

  • yValues are the mean of five indpendent replications, mean separation in rows at the 5% level.