Root diameter class (mm) | Root dry weight (g)z | ||
Collected wild | Nursery-grown | Fabric container-grown | |
0-1 | 5.3ay | 7.2b | 8.3b |
>1 -2 | 5.4a | 7.3b | 7.1b |
>2-5 | 14.6a | 36.8b | 39.1b |
>5-10 | 45.9a | 103.7b | 92.0b |
>10 | 602.9a | 1124.7b | 1122.9b |
↵zEach value in the Table is the mean of 5 trees.
yMeans in a row followed by the same letter are not significantly different from each other by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test, p<0.05.