Table 1.

Height, caliper, trunk and shoot weight, and weight of roots inside rootball for wild, nursery- and fabric-container-grown laurel oak.z

MeasurementCollected wildNursery grownFabric container-grown
Height (m)3.66aw3.62a3.54a
Trunk caliper (cm)y4.4a5.6a5.3a
Trunk and shoot
dry weight (g)x2548a5889b3752ab
Dry weight of roots
within root ball (g)674a1279b1269b
Shoot:root dry
weight ratio3.78a4.60a2.95a
  • zEach value in the table is the mean of 5 trees.

  • yCaliper measured at 15 cm from soil line.

  • xTotal of trunk, shoots, branches and leaves.

  • wMeans in a row followed by the different letters are significantly different from each other by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test, p<0.05.