Table 1.

Results of a 3-factor analysis of variance of oviposition during a 2 week period by elm leaf beetles fed leaves harvested from elms exposed for 9 weeks to simulated acid rain, ozone and sulfur dioxide treatment combinations.

SourcePreoviposition periodEggs/femaleEggs/ovipositing female
Elm hybrid (H)F(1,1 81) = 8.0**aF(l,224) = 7.0**F(1,181) = 12.2**
Acid rain (AR)F(1,181) = 0.0F(1,224) = 21.9**F(1,181) = 15.0**
Fumigation (F)F(3,181) = 1.5F(3,224) = 2.5F(3,181) = 2.8*
HxARF(1,181) = 0.4F(l,224) = 0.2F(1,181) = 1.4
HxFF(3,181) = 1.6F(3,224) = 0.9F(3,181) = 0.3
ARxFF(3,181) = 3.6*F(3,224) = 4.3**F(3,181) = 2.2
HxARxFF(3,181) = 4.2**F(3, 224) = 3.4*F(3,181) = 5.3*
  • a* = Significant at the 0.05 level.

  • ** = Significant at the 0.01 level.