PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE ED - International Society of Arboriculture AID - 10.48044/joa.1976.2.7.130 DP - 1976 Jul 01 TA - Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) PG - 130--130 VI - 2 IP - 7 4099 - 4100 - SO - JOA1976 Jul 01; 2 AB - Tinus, R.W. 1975. Growth retardants control development of deciduous nursery stock. Tree Planters’ Notes 26(1):5-7.Many nurseries growing deciduous tree seedlings find that their stock reaches the desired size at midgrowing season. It would be valuable to have a means to prevent it from growing larger. Unsold stock that grows an additional full season may become so large that it must be destroyed. In this study two growth retardants were tested for nursery use to control size of five hardwood species. Alar slowed growth of lilac and cotoneaster. Slo Gro stopped growth of Siberian elm, and slowed growth of honeysuckle and cotoneaster. Chemicals were less effective than undercutting on green ash.