RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Systemic Treatment for Chlorotic Trees JF Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) JO JOA FD International Society of Arboriculture SP 192 OP 196 DO 10.48044/jauf.1980.047 VO 6 IS 7 A1 Himelick, E.B. A1 Himelick, Kirk J. YR 1980 UL http://auf.isa-arbor.com/content/6/7/192.abstract AB Ferric citrate injected in powdered form was effective in correcting iron chlorosis of pin oak, cypress, red oak, sweet gum, and swamp white oak. Chlorotic white oak and American sycamore did not respond significantly to systemic iron treatments. Both ferric ammonium citrate and ferric citrate were effective in correcting moderate to advanced stages of chlorosis in large pin oak and sweet gum. An inexpensive method of injecting premeasured chemical powders is reported.