RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Development and Implementation of a Gypsy Moth Integrated Pest Management Program JF Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) JO JOA FD International Society of Arboriculture SP 209 OP 216 DO 10.48044/jauf.1987.045 VO 13 IS 9 A1 Reardon, R. A1 McManus, M. A1 Kolodny-Hirsch, D. A1 Tichenor, R. A1 Raupp, M. A1 Schwalbe, C. A1 Webb, R. A1 Meckley, P. YR 1987 UL http://auf.isa-arbor.com/content/13/9/209.abstract AB The current approach to gypsy moth management in the United States involves applying insecticides to eliminate isolated infestations, and to suppress populations in areas of regulatory concern or where socioeconomic impacts are projected to occur. An alternative approach, integrated pest management, is being implemented over a wide range of ecological, geographic, and land-use areas within a three-county area in Maryland to evaluate the feasibility of managing gypsy moth populations at low levels. This project is structured around a comprehensive biological monitoring system that provides an annual data base on the distribution, density, and trend of gypsy moth populations. This information, in conjunction with ancillary data for landscape features (e.g., soil type, vegetation cover type, and land use) and stand susceptibility to defoliation rating, provides guidelines for prescribing an array of intervention activities. This program also supports ongoing cooperative studies in data-base management, refinement of sampling methods, and evaluation of intervention activities.