RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Countersinking for Tree Bolts JF Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) JO JOA FD International Society of Arboriculture SP 245 OP 247 DO 10.48044/jauf.1998.029 VO 24 IS 5 A1 Smiley, E. Thomas YR 1998 UL http://auf.isa-arbor.com/content/24/5/245.abstract AB When installing eyebolts and brace rods, the practice of countersinking into the xylem tissue using a chisel is common. This study was developed to assess an alternative method of cutting countersinks and to determine which method has the lower potential for introducing decay. It was determined that seating the washer on the bark rather than countersinking into the xylem produced the lowest levels of discolored wood and the lowest amounts of callus growth over washers. Data from this study support the recommendation that countersinking into the xylem be discontinued.