PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Gartner, Justine T. AU - Treiman, Thomas AU - Frevert, Tim TI - Missouri Urban Forest—a Ten-Year Comparison AID - 10.48044/joa.2002.28.2.76 DP - 2002 Mar 01 TA - Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) PG - 76--83 VI - 28 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - JOA2002 Mar 01; 28 AB - A follow-up urban tree survey of 44 Missouri, U.S. towns was completed in 1999 by the Missouri Department of Conservation. These sample plots were first surveyed in 1989 in cooperation with the American Forestry Association and the USDA Forest Service as part of a nationwide survey of urban forests. Information recorded included tree location, a categorical variable for “right tree in the right place,” a tree history (topped or not), and individual tree data such as species, size class, and condition. A comparison of data shows significant changes in Missouri’s urban forests. Results show more trees but a decline in their condition. Missouri’s urban forests are becoming more diverse. The top six tree species constitute 37% of those surveyed in 1999, as compared to 48% found in 1989. The average value of a Missouri street tree increased by US$642.