PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Maco, Scott E. AU - McPherson, E. Gregory TI - A Practical Approach to Assessing Structure, Function, and Value of Street Tree Populations in Small Communities AID - 10.48044/jauf.2003.011 DP - 2003 Mar 01 TA - Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) PG - 84--97 VI - 29 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - JOA2003 Mar 01; 29 AB - This study demonstrates an approach to quantify the structure, benefits, and costs of street tree populations in resource-limited communities without tree inventories. Using the city of Davis, California, U.S., as a model, existing data on the benefits and costs of municipal trees were applied to the results of a sample inventory of the city’s public and private street trees. Results indicate that Davis maintained nearly 24,000 public street trees that provided $1.2 million in net annual environmental and property value benefits, with a benefit-cost ratio of 3.8:1. The city can improve long-term stability of this resource by managing maintenance, new plantings, and stand rejuvenation on a city zone basis.