PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Doccola, Joseph J. AU - Ramasamy, Ilangovan AU - Castillo, Paulina AU - Taylor, Christine AU - Sifleet, Samantha TI - Erratum: Efficacy of Arborjet Viper Microinjections in the Management of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (<em>Adelges Tsugae</em>) AID - 10.48044/jauf.2005.026 DP - 2005 Jul 01 TA - Arboriculture &amp; Urban Forestry (AUF) PG - 203--206 VI - 31 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - AB - Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand) is an introduced homopteran that infests native eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis Carriere). It results in reduced tree vitality and, when untreated, death. A state-of-the-art microinjection device employing an air-over-hydraulic system was used to deliver a therapeutic dosage of imidacloprid into the active xylem tissues of affected hemlocks. Bioassays were conducted microscopically to determine HWA mortality post-treatment. Injected trees had significantly (P &lt; 0.05) lower HWA populations compared to untreated controls; mean mortality for injected trees was over twice that of noninjected trees. The Arborjet VIPER system shows promise as a management tool in the treatment of HWA.