PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Hickman, Gary W. TI - Summer Irrigation of Established Oak Trees AID - 10.48044/jauf.1993.006 DP - 1993 Jan 01 TA - Arboriculture & Urban Forestry PG - 35--37 VI - 19 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - JOA1993 Jan 01; 19 AB - Two trials in California have shown that Valley oaks (Quercus lobata) are benefited by summer irrigation. In the first plot, 30 trees (± 125 years old) were near summer turf irrigation and 135 trees were not. In 1992, six years into a continuing drought, 28% of the non-irrigated trees were dead, while no trees near irrigation died. In a second plot, 11 of 12 irrigated trees had current year shoot growth of 5 to 31 cm, while only 2 of 12 non-irrigated trees showed similar results.