PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Cortese, W. Jim TI - An Appraisal of the University of Tennessee Arboretum Holly Collection AID - 10.48044/jauf.2018.019 DP - 2018 Sep 01 TA - Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) PG - 224--228 VI - 44 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - AB - Maintaining land resources for research and education requires sound stewardship. These environments are affected by factors that can impact the health and benefits of the property. The University of Tennessee Forest Resources AGResearch and Education Center (Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.) includes an arboretum of 101 hectares. Established in 1965, this section of the Oak Ridge Forest includes more than 2,500 native and exotic woody plant specimens. Identifying the value of the collections was necessary for determining the extent of resources that should be dedicated to its upkeep. Should weather, infestations, and other occurrences damage the property, replacement values need to be accurate. The Elmore Holly Collection was the only section that had not been appraised. This study examined the Ilex aquifoliaceae to appraise the current value of the collection. The objectives were to 1) identify the best appraisal method, and 2) apply that method to every holly plant in the collection to determine the total value. The traditional appraisal methods did not suit the study. A slight modification of the Replacement Cost Method was found to be the best approach. The method was repeated to confirm accuracy of the appraisal. The modified valuation method provides a tool that gives practical application of a research method to use in collection appraisals and is repeatable in all sections of the United States.