RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Municipal Tree Management in the U.S.-1980 JF Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) JO JOA FD International Society of Arboriculture SP 253 OP 257 DO 10.48044/jauf.1982.058 VO 8 IS 10 A1 Kielbaso, J. A1 Haston, G. A1 Pawl, D. YR 1982 UL http://auf.isa-arbor.com/content/8/10/253.abstract AB A survey of 2861 cities to determine status of tree care produced a 54% response. Only 50% identify their program as systematic. The manager’s average age is 43 years, with 14 years of experience and 8 years in the current position. Membership patterns of tree managers is presented. The various organizations have potential to expand membership among municipal tree care managers, and thus greatly influence urban tree management. Of cities surveyed, only 22% know, with certainty, the number of trees in their jurisdiction. Total U.S. street trees are estimated to number 49,000,000. Overall per capita expenditures for tree care is $2.19 and the per tree expenditure is $10.78. Budgets for tree care are allocated primarily to street trees (61 %) and park trees (24%). The major cultural practices related to these are trimming (27%), removal (23%), and planting (14%).