ANDERSON, R.G. and J.R. HARTMAN. 1983. Symptoms of Phomopsis twig blight on weeping figs indoors. Interscape 5(37): 38.
Leaf loss and twig dieback on weeping figs indoors can be caused by a disease as well as insufficient care and lack of acclimatization. Phomopsis cinerescens has been identified as a pathogen that caused decline of Ficus benjamina specimen plants in New York and Ohio. Phomopsis twig blight disease caused significant damage to weeping figs in a commercial plantscape in Kentucky and has been noted on other piantscape and homeowner weeping fig specimens. Weeping figs infected with Phomopsis had leaf loss and twig dieback symptoms similar to plants that lacked acclimatization or received insufficient water. Interior plantscape professionals must consider Phomopsis twig blight as a cause for continued leaf loss when cultural problems have been remedied.
- © 1983, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.