The following paragraph was omitted from the paper by Winand K. Hock on Sevin: a Controversial Insecticide. J. Arboric. 8(2): 47-49. It should be included on page 49, left-hand column, five paragraphs down, just prior to the one beginning “New Jersey Superior Court Judge.” Please mark insert paragraph page 223 at this point.
The report concluded that there was no link between spraying with Sevin and birth defects. The rate of birth defects in Cape May County towns was actually higher in 1977 when Sevin was not used than in 1979 when it was used in a gypsy moth control program. In four towns in Cape May County where Sevin was sprayed in 1979, the rate was 19.76 birth defects per 10,000 live births while the rate of birth defects in 13 unsprayed towns was slightly higher at 22.27.
Monmouth County shows a similar drop in the rate of birth defects from 1977 to 1979. Only in Morris County did the rate of birth defects show a slight increase between 1977 when no spraying was done and 1978 and 1979 when Sevin was used.
Two changes should be made in the paper by Fraedrich & Ham on Wood Chip Mulching, J. Arboric. 8(4): 84-89.
(1) On page 86, Figure 1, the height growth should be in meters (not cm) from bottom to top 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 (not 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5).
(2) On page 87, second paragraph, the fourteenth line should read 0.057g/170 cm3 (not 0.57g/170 cm3).
- © 1982, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.