LAMBE, R.C. 1981. Entomosporium leaf spot. Am. Nurseryman 153(9): 14, 36, 40.
Entomosporium leaf spot is caused by the fungus Entomosporium maculatum, which has the perfect stage Fabraea maculata (also known as Dlplocarpon maculatum). The disease infects several of the choice ornamentals grown in nurseries. Particularly susceptible are Photinia serrulata, P. glabra, the hybrid P. × fraseri, Indian hawthorn, and loquat. The disease also affects juneberry, flowering quince, fire thorn, and mountain ash. Every effort should be made to avoid introducing diseased plants into nurseries and landscapes, to eliminate diseased leaves and plants once they are discovered, and to follow and promote cultural practices that discourage the intrusion and development of Entomosporium leaf spot.
- © 1982, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.