Index by author
January 1982; Volume 8,Issue 1
Crooks, Peg
- You have accessThe New Jersey StripperPeg Crooks and David C. ShawArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 1982, 8 (1) 18-21; DOI:
Disanto, Edmund
- You have accessBranches Of the Law: Trees And LitigationEdmund DiSantoArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 1982, 8 (1) 7-12; DOI:
Dropkin, V.H.
- You have accessPine Wilt—A Disease You Should KnowV.H. Dropkin and Marc LinitArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 1982, 8 (1) 1-6; DOI:
Frank, Gregory B.
- You have accessThe Use Of A Slide Show Program To Promote SalesGregory B. FrankArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 1982, 8 (1) 26-27; DOI:
Linit, Marc
- You have accessPine Wilt—A Disease You Should KnowV.H. Dropkin and Marc LinitArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 1982, 8 (1) 1-6; DOI:
Ritz, Robert E.
- You have accessComputerized Distribution Trimming and Contractor Productivity MeasurementRobert E. RitzArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 1982, 8 (1) 22-25; DOI:
Shaw, David C.
- You have accessThe New Jersey StripperPeg Crooks and David C. ShawArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 1982, 8 (1) 18-21; DOI:
Townsend, A.M.
- You have accessGenetic Improvement Of Elms and Other Tree GeneraA.M. TownsendArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 1982, 8 (1) 13-17; DOI: