Chapman, Douglas. 1980. Aesculus and Carya trees deserve second consideration. Weeds, Trees & Turf 19(6): 62-63.
In general, common horsechestnut, Ohio buckeye, and shagbark hickory are most effectively used in large area or golf course landscapes, while Ruby Red horsechestnut and, in some instances, Ohio buckeye fit into residential landscapes. All of these trees thrive in fertile, well drained soil. In native situations, hickory and oak are climax forests. They require only corrective pruning when young; therefore, are relatively low maintenance. For urban conditions, Ruby Red horsechestnut is most tolerant, followed by common horsechestnut, Ohio buckeye, and lastly, shagbark hickory. These trees can be outstanding additions/variations to the landscape, while requiring relatively little maintenance.
- © 1981, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.