Background We evaluated site suitability, early survival, and growth performance for Juniperus procera, Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata, Vachellia abyssinica, Hagenia abyssinica, and Afrocarpus falcatus in the urban landscape of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Methods The MaxEnt model was used to evaluate site suitability for the 5 indigenous species. For the early survival study, experimental plots were established and 500 seedlings, 100 seedlings for each species, were planted on 2021 July 15 and monitored until 2022 February 30 for a total of 225 days. Silvicultural activities such as mulching, weeding, and watering were conducted. Every 45 days, measurements of height, root collar diameter (RCD), death, damage, wilting, and defoliation were recorded.
Results The result of the study indicated that the Addis Ababa area is well to moderately suitable to grow the 5 species. Mean survival rates marginally declined over the course of 225 days, from 99.6% at 45 days after planting to 90.4% at 225 days after planting. Eighteen V. abyssinica seedlings were found to be dead. Wild animals browsed and damaged 45% of O. europaea seedlings. H. abyssinica had the highest growth performance. The study shows that, relative to the other 4 species, V. abyssinica had a greater number of wilted, defoliated, and dead seedlings.
Conclusion Each of the 5 species had a high rate of early survival and found the urban environment to be suitable. This result will assist in the shift away from planting only exotic tree species in green spaces and encourage the presence of indigenous tree species.
In accordance with the Global Forest Resource Assessment, global forests cover an estimated 4.06 billion hectares (31%) of the Earth’s surface. Almost 1.6 billion people rely directly on the forest for food, fuel, timber, shelter, and work (FAO 2016). Ninety-three percent of forests are thought to be naturally regenerating, whereas only seven percent (290 million hectares) are planted. Nevertheless, from 1990 to 2020 naturally regenerating forests have been diminishing and the extent of planted forests have been steadily growing.
Since 1990, 178 million hectares of forests have been lost from the earth (FAO 2020). In the tropics, deforestation continues at a rate of 13 million hectares per year with negative impacts on biological diversity (Bremer and Farley 2010). About 17.35 million ha (15.4%) of Ethiopia is forested. However, due to increasing pressure, Ethiopia has been losing about 92,000 ha (0.54%) of forest annually between 2000 and 2013 (FDRE 2018). Ecologically and commercially high valuable indigenous species in Ethiopia are being negatively impacted by forest degradation. The demand for wood furniture made from indigenous species—such as Hagenia abyssinica, Cordia africana, Afrocarpus falcatus, and others—has increased over time (Furo et al. 2019). Commonly utilized and deteriorated species, including Hagenia abyssinica, Afrocarpus falcatus, and Juniperus procera, were protected by the legal system (FAO 1994). In Ethiopia, deforestation coupled with planting mostly exotic species are threats for indigenous plants (Negash 2002).
Projections indicate the potential for 9 million ha to be deforested between 2010 and 2030 unless action is taken (FDRE 2011). To mitigate deforestation and forest degradation and enhance the forest cover, 3 million ha reforestation targets have been set by the government to be implemented by regions and city administrations (FDRE 2021). To re-establish the fundamental link that indigenous trees provide for both people and other forms of life, landscape restoration using indigenous trees is crucial (Negash 1995).
In Ethiopia, most tree planting programs, including the recent national-level Green Legacy Initiative, planted largely exotic tree species (Gemechu and Jiru 2021). Ethiopian forest plantations largely use exotic species, with a few recent attempts being the exception. The reliance on exotic species for reforestation or restoration ignores the long-adapted indigenous species with their variety of benefits (Wassie 2020).
Remnant trees found in church compounds, recreational parks, northern hills, and other green spaces of Addis Ababa indicate that Addis Ababa was once covered with indigenous species such as J. procera, A. falcatus, O. europaea subsp. cuspidata, H. abyssinica, and V. abyssinica. However, natural vegetation was reduced significantly due to anthropogenic effects (Tenkir Shikur 2011; Argaw et al. 2017). Integrating indigenous tree species in urban regreening is important both to get the services provided by the indigenous tree species and to conserve the species. It is suggested that all plantation sites use both indigenous and exotic species to make the plantation ecologically sound and sustainable (Kassa et al. 2009). One of the justifications attributed for the planting of exotic species was the better growth performance of exotic species than indigenous tree species (Gemechu and Jiru 2021). Enhanced biodiversity outcomes are expected with plantations that utilize indigenous tree species (Stephens and Wagner 2007). Poor site suitability analysis is a significant contributor to the low rate of seedling survival (Kodikara et al. 2017). Various models were used to produce site suitability maps including maximum entropy model (MaxEnt)(Phillips et al. 2002). MaxEnt is a correlative machine-learning model with several applications in ecology and suitability studies (Phillips et al. 2006). Knowledge of site suitability is important to predict the appropriate conditions for cultivating plants (Wei et al. 2018).
The survival rate of planted seedlings has proven to be the most important key indicator of the success of forestry activities (Sullivan et al. 2009). In addition, inappropriate species selection in afforestation or restoration is the cause of the low survival rate of seedlings (Abrha et al. 2020). Information on suitability and patterns of species distribution is crucial for developing future conservation plans (Elith et al. 2011).
Santamour (1990) outlines how planting a mix of species protects urban forests against pests. The reforestation techniques in different landscapes of Addis Ababa involve planting potted seedlings of largely monoculture exotic species. Since seedling survival was low, it was noted that seedlings were repeatedly planted on the same site (Tenkir Shikur 2011). Many restoration attempts fail to considerthe variables that affect survival (Sullivan et al. 2009). Plantations were established by various implementers; however, the methods used to identify site suitability have gaps (Nyebenge et al. 2009; Wendimu 2013). This study was initiated to generate scientific information on the suitability of Addis Ababa and analyze site suitability, survival, and growth performance of highly economically and ecologically important indigenous tree species (i.e., J. procera, H. abyssinica, O. europaea subsp. cuspidata, V. abyssinica, and A. falcatus. The knowledge gathered from such studies can be applied to enhance the integration of indigenous species in urban areas, including a 22,000-ha potential green space in Addis Ababa (Zeleke et al. 2018).
Study Area
This study was carried out at the Gullele Botanic Garden (GBG), which is situated in the Gullele district of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Figure 1), where the mean minimum temperature ranges from 8.56 to 9.82 °C, the mean maximum temperature ranges from 18.25 to 23.52 °C, and the mean average temperature ranges from 13.4 to 16.67 °C. The mean minimum annual rainfall is 817.5 mm, the mean maximum annual rainfall is 1,466.8 mm, and the mean annual rainfall is 1,037.52 mm (Alemu and Dioha 2020). The elevation of the site is about 2,638 m above sea level. The GBG was chosen for the study following a direct visual assessment of the grounds. The site where the experimental plot was established had enough permanent river water to water the planted seedlings and was fenced to restrict access of domestic animals and the free movement of humans.
Soil Characteristics
The experimental plot was established in the forest mountain range within the GBG, which was formerly dominated by Eucalyptus trees. Within the mountain range containing the experimental site at 2,038 m above sea level, exhibits specific physical and chemical properties in the soil. These properties consist of an average electrical conductivity of 0.003 ms/cm, a mean pH of 4.13, 1.1% organic carbon content, 1.09% total nitrogen content, and a bulk density of 1.68 g/mL. The soil texture is composed of 34% sand, 11% clay, and 55% silt, categorizing it as salt loam. Additionally, it has a creation exchange capacity of 8 moles/kg. A soil pH below 5.5 signifies a low pH, indicating acidic soil properties, while a soil bulk density above 1.46 g/cm3 suggests compact soil (Landon 1984). Consequently, the study site soil exhibits potentially acidic properties, and its bulk density indicates that it is compacted.
Selected Species
The 5 selected species for this experiment were the indigenous species frequently planted in mountain landscape of Addis Ababa. The selected species are Afrocarpus falcatus, Hagenia abyssinica, Juniperus procera, Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata, and Vachellia abyssinica. These species are characteristic species of dry Afromontane vegetation and were once largely found in and around Addis Ababa.
Experimental Design
Seedling Production and Field Planting
Viable seeds of Afrocarpus falcatus, Hagenia abyssinica, Juniperus procera, Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata, and Vachellia abyssinica were obtained from the seed center at the Forestry Research Center in Addis Ababa and Amhara. Each seed was sown directly on 15 cm (height) by 8 cm (diameter) polyethylene tubes filled with mixed substrates of 4:2:1 (local soil:forest soil:sand soil, respectively). Seedlings of 5 species (100 seedlings per species) were raised at Yeka Ankorcha government nursery site. The raised seedlings have green and healthy leaves, strong and upright stems, and are free from any visible disease symptoms.
Five plots, each 4002 m in size, were used to study the early development, survival, and perfomance of five indigenous species. Five hundreds seedlings in five replicates of one hundred seedlings each were designed at the field using a completely randomized deisgn (CRD). These seedlings were separated by 2 m on each side. From the day of planting on 2021 July 15, during the rainy season, until 2022 February 30, the seedlings were monitored for a total of 225 days in the field.
All individuals were tagged and numbered to enable the identification of each seedling. All the required seedling treatments (watering, shading, weeding, and hardening) were conducted.
Data Collection
Site Suitability
The MaxEnt can be effectively used to model species distribution based on presence-only data. It has been used in the field of conservation biology and ecology (Elith et al. 2011). The MaxEnt model was used to identify suitable sites for the selected 5 species. The mapping process utilized occurrence and environmental data (topographic and climatic data). Occurrence data, including longitude and latitude, were collected primarily from field surveys using a hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS) device and national herbarium collections. Topographic environmental data, factors including slope, aspect, and elevation were generated from Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM 2009; Gebrewahid et al. 2020). To acquire climate-related environmental data, 19 bioclimatic variables were used (Fick and Hijmans 2017). The specifics of these bioclimatic and topographic variables are presented in Table 1.
Early Survival and Growth Performance
Seedling survival data was collected to identify the extent and causes of mortality. To estimate seedling survival and growth, the numbers of living seedlings were counted every 45 days thereafter until the end of 225 days (Tafesse 2007). Plants with no live parts were recorded as ‘missing’ and considered dead, and the remaining plants were considered alive. Variables affecting survival were recorded at each site (Holzwarth et al. 2013). Growth performance parameters, seedling height and root collar diameter (RCD) were measured every 45 days for each seedling. Seedling height was measured in centimeters using a ruler, while RCD was measured using a diameter caliper in millimeters (mm) near soil surface (Bahru et al. 2018).
To evaluate the effect of tree canopy closure on the performance of planted seedlings, we used Canopy-Capture (Patel 2018). Canopy Capture offers a quick and repeatable proxy for comparisons of average canopy cover and understory illumination (Lusk 2022).
Statistical Data Analysis
MaxEnt species distribution modeling was used to predict the climatically suitable habitats for the selected species using occurrence localities and bioclimatic variables. MaxEnt is currently one of the most frequently applied environmental niche models (Merow et al. 2013). ArcGIS 10.2 (Esri, Redlands, California, USA)(ArcGIS 2013) was used to extract suitability for the selected species based on occurrence localities from the maps of climate suitability generated by our MaxEnt models. Site suitability levels for the 5 species in Addis Ababa were mapped and categorized into high suitable (red), suitable (yellow), mid suitable (green), and low suitable (blue)(Figure 2).
Survival and damage of seedlings were analyzed for each tree species planted in the experimental plot using the following formula (Megan 2013):
The difference between 2 consultative samplings was considered corresponding mean height or RCD increment over a period of 225 days.
Using SPSS software, statistical analyses such as mean, variance, and standard error (SE) were calculated to estimate mean survival, damage impacts on seedlings, plant height, and RCD and were used to see the variability across species. where s = the standard deviation between means; n = the sample size; SE = Standard Error.
Site Suitability
Addis Ababa is suitable for all 5 species. A large part of the middle- and lower-elevation sites is highly suitable for A. falcatus, O. europaea subsp. cuspidata, and V. abyssinica while the high-elevation sites are highly and moderately suitable for H. abyssinica. Higher, middle, and lower parts of the city are highly suitable for A. falcatus (Figure 2).
Seedlings Survival Rate
The average survival rates of the 5 species marginally declined over the course of 225 days, from 99.6% at 45 days after planting to 90.4% at 225 days after planting. Juniperus procera and Olea europaea exhibited high survival rates, ranging from 94% to 100% across the various days after planting, with a total standard deviation of 2.775 and 2.191, respectively, signifying relatively low variation in survival rates. Afrocarpus falcatus had survival rates ranging from 89% to 100% with a total standard deviation of 3.813, indicating higher variability in survival rates compared to Juniperus procera and Olea europaea. Hagenia abyssinica survival rates were the least variable, ranging from 93% to 98%, with a total standard variation of 1.924. With a total standard deviation of 7.563 and the broadest range of survival rates (82% to 100%), Vachellia abyssinica suggests increased variability and lower survival rates (Table 2). At 7 months and 15 days post planting, there were recorded deaths or missing seedlings for 18 V. abyssinica, 9 A. falcatus, 6 H. abyssinica, and 4 O. europaea (Figure 3). For all species the mortality rates increased between mid-February and April, 180 days after the seedlings were planted (Figure 4).
Factors for Seedlings Damage
Olea europaea has the highest mean browsing score (0.45), followed by Vachellia abyssinica (0.07), Hagenia abyssinica (0.01), Juniperus procera (0.02), and Afrocarpus falcatus (0.02). Olea europaea is the most browsed species among the 5 (Table 3).
Olea europaea was browsed by wild animals even though the Gullele Botanic Garden was fenced and restricted from domestic animals. Less herbivore damage was recorded for V. abyssinica, J. procera, A. falcatus, and H. abyssinica. Young shoots of O. europaea subsp. cuspidata were visited and repeatedly browsed even after the seedling resprouted young shoots, but unlike the other studied species, it is hardy to damage and resprouted again. V. abyssinica (40%) and A. falcatus (31%) exhibited wilting and partial defoliation (Figure 5).
The results indicate that there are differences in the degree of wilting and defoliation among the different species. Vachellia abyssinica, for example, has a much higher mean value of 0.43 and a standard error of 0.05 for wilting and defoliation compared to the other species (Table 3). Wilting and defoliation rates of the 5 species was associated with the shading effect of nearby trees. The amount of wilting and defoliation in V. abyssinica, A. falcatus, and H abyssinica seedlings increased in sites when canopy cover was lower than 25% (Figure 6).
Height Growth of the 5 Indigenous Seedlings
The mean growth in height pattern revealed that the 5 species show overall mean height increment between 0 to 225 days. H. abyssinica showed a comparatively significant mean height change, with an initial mean height of 21.4 + 0.7 cm at 0 days increasing to 28 ± 1.0 cm at 225 days, with a total height growth change of 7.1 cm. O. europaea had relatively slow height growth with an initial mean height of 30.9 ± 1.0 cm at 0 days, which increases to 31.9 ± 1.2 cm at 225 days. A. falcatus height growth dropped from 19.2 ± 0.6 to 18.6 ± 0.8 between 180 and 225 days. J. procera showed consistent growth with no drop in height (Table 4).
Root Collar Diameter (RCD)
The growth rates for different species of trees vary and can have periods of rapid increase and slow growth. Specifically, the RCD growth of V. abyssinica appears slow initially (0.28 to 0.39 cm from 0 to 90 days) but increases significantly between 90 to 180 days (0.39 to 0.65 cm). There is no change in the mean value from 180 to 225 days (0.65 to 0.65 cm), which might indicate a slowing down of growth. H. abyssinica show a more consistent growth rate over time, steadily increasing from 0.3 cm to 0.84 cm over 225 days. The growth rate appears to be higher in comparison to V. abyssinica. The growth rate of J. procera appears to be slow, ranging from 0.11 cm to 0.25 cm between 0 to 180 days. However, there is a significant increase between 180 to 225 days (0.25 to 0.43 cm), which indicates a period of rapid growth. O. europaea, similar to H. abyssinica, shows consistent growth over time, increasing from 0.16 cm to 0.45 cm over 225 days; the overall growth rate appears slower in comparison to both V. abyssinica and H. abyssinica. A. falcatus demonstrates a consistent growth rate, increasing from 0.13 cm at day 0 to 0.46 cm at day 225. The growth rate appears to be slower than H. abyssinica and V. abyssinica but similar to O. europaea (Table 5).
RCD growth and seedling height exhibited a linear connection, excluding species that did not display height changes due to browsing. For instance, H. abyssinica demonstrated an increase in height and RCD with measurements of 9.13 cm and 53 mm, respectively. Similarly, A. falcatus (5.9 cm in height and 36 mm RCD) and J. procera (5.56 cm in height and 35 mm RCD) both revealed corresponding growth in RCD and height (Figure 7 and Figure 8).
Site Suitability
Site suitability maps showed that Addis Ababa has a high suitable environment for the 5 indigenous tree species. High suitable sites indicate the site has favorable biophysical and climatic conditions for the successful establishment of the indigenous seedlings. Moderate suitable sites indicate a second priority for the species to be planted, which must be allotted for planting only after critical assessment of various factors. On the other hand, not suitable sites represent sites that are not appropriate for growing the candidate species. Studies indicated that the survival of seedlings might be higher in suitable sites than in unsuitable sites (Huang et al. 2022). The result showed the high, middle, and lower elevation part of Addis Ababa are highly suitable to grow V. abyssinica, J. procera, P. falcatus, and O. europaea subsp. cuspidata species. Whereas, for H. abyssinica, the higher part of the city is more suitable than the middle and lower parts. Ayele et al. (2009) found that Hagenia abyssinica populations throughout Ethiopia are situated at higher altitudes.
The examination on the survival of 5 species, which indicated that the minimum survival rate was 82%, validated the suitability of Addis Ababa for widely planting of the 5 species (Figure 3). The vegetation atlas of Ethiopia categorized and mapped the vegetation type based on altitude, climate, and soil criteria. The result showed that Addis Ababa falls in dry Afromontane vegetation type where the 5 indigenous species that were being monitored are considered as characteristics species (Friis et al. 2010).
Scientific information on suitability of the city is crucial for urban landscape designers and urban foresters integrating these species in the city landscape. Numerous studies have also shown that selection of indigenous species and suitable site identification for planting are the key question for urban landscape designers (Gotoh and Yokota 2009; Gilroy et al. 2017; Backstrom et al. 2018). Studies also indicated that selecting and cultivating threatened plants in urban environments contribute towards conservation and help to restore the decline of indigenous species in urban landscapes (DeCandido et al. 2007; Pan et al. 2019).
A significant portion of Addis Ababa is suitable for planting the 5 indigenous species, hence, planting these species will have a good influence on the city’s biodiversity. Even while increasing biodiversity is not the primary goal of urban greening, planting indigenous species helps to reduce landscape degradation brought on by urban growth and can act as a refuge for regionally or globally endangered species (Jones and Leather 2013; Aronson et al. 2017; Blackmore 2019; Soanes and Lentini 2019).
Seedling Survival
H. abyssinica had the least varying survival rates among the 5 species with a range of 93% to 98% and a total standard deviation of 1.94. Vachellia abyssinica had the widest range of survival rates (82% to 100%), with a total standard deviation of 7.563, and predicted higher variability and poor survival rates (Table 2). The 5 monitored indigenous species showed high survival rates between 82% and 96% (Figure 3). This may be due to silvicultural management practices used in the experimental plot, specifically watering, weeding, mulching, and restriction of domestic animals and people, which have all contributed to the high survival rate. Studies have revealed that early seedling survival of planted seedlings hampered by environmental stress particularly water stress (Kolb and Robberecht 1996; Mihertu et al. 2006; Eshetie et al. 2020). The study made by Cole and Newton (2009) indicated that weeding practices significantly reduce mortality and/or help for the growth of seedlings.
Seedling Damage
Olea europeae and Hagenia abyssinica had the greatest and lowest mean browsing values with mean value of (0.45) and (0.01)(Table 3). Olea europaea (45%) selected and repeatedly browsed by wild animals (Figure 5). Even though, the repeated browsing of the seedlings hampered height growth of Olea europaea, this species was able to recover from repeated browsing. Aerts et al. (2008) and Tesfaye et al. (2010) reported that Olea europaea can survive repetitive cutting and browsing by increasing the shoot and leaf density, decreasing leaf size, and transforming shoots to spines. O. europaea subsp. sylvestris in the Mediterranean maquis survived frequent disturbance (Massei and Hartley 2000).
Studies also indicated that seedlings could tolerate a certain level of damage using compensatory growth (i.e., an encouraging growth response to injury), and thus resume height growth (Guillet and Bergstrom 2006). Studies indicated that Olea europaea leaves used as fodder have high nutrient value (Garcia et al. 2003; Xie et al. 2013). Similar studies indicated that animals select and browse young shoots of seedlings and negatively impact seedling growth rates (Kuijper et al. 2010; Ohse et al. 2017). Another study also indicated that animals select young shoots of seedlings because of their easy palatability and richer nutrient contents (Swaine 1996).
A. falcatus and H. abyssinica remain unaffected by herbivory (Figure 5). A. falcatus is unaffected by herbivory likely due to their characteristic tough leaves that deter animals from browsing (Tesfaye et al. 2010). Wilting and defoliation of the 5 species seedlings are directly correlated with the presence of shade. The amount of wilting and defoliation in V. abyssinica, A. falcatus, and H. abyssinica seedlings increased in sites with canopy cover percentages lower than 25% (Figure 6). Direct sunlight or less canopy cover (< 25% canopy cover) showed significant inversely correlated with growth and healthiness of the V. abyssinica and A. falcatus seedlings or which led to increased mortality rate (Figure 6 and 7). Open field where the cloud cover was minimal and the intensity of light was high the survival of A. falcatus seedlings can be affected (Negash 1995). Studies also indicated that partially shaded conditions can increase seedling survival when compared with full-sun conditions (Ashton et al. 1997; Cole et al. 2011). Ballal (1996) found that a 50% light intensity in the form of overhead shade caused significant increases in initial height of Acacia Senegal seedlings. Bazzaz and Miao (1993) reported that good growth of Quercus semiserrata seedlings was recorded in medium light conditions. Various studies on A. falcatus recorded the impact of photoinhibition on the juvenile stage in open fields (Negash 1995; Fetene and Feleke 2001).
Seedling Growth Performance
The mean height growth pattern showed that during the first 90 days after planting, there was a general growth increase which then slowed down (Table 2). This may be because the first 2 months were rainy. Mekonnen et al (2006) found that greater height increments were observed at an earlier stage. Hagenia abyssinica, A. falcatus, and J. procera exhibited maximum mean height growth changes of 9.13 cm, 5.9 cm, and 5.56 respectively (Figure 8). The performance of these 3 species is important for Addis Ababa to integrate in greening urban landscape. However, growth of O. europaea is limited by browsing pressure.
Although all 5 species’ RCD increased, the rates of growth varied between them and across the various subsequent times of measurements. Particularly, V. abyssinica appears to grow slowly at first (0.28 to 0.39 cm from 0 to 90 days), then dramatically between 90 and 180 days (0.39 to 0.65 cm)(Table 5). The difference in average values between the various species indicates that they each have distinct growth patterns or rates of change for the RCD. This offers insights into the species’ growth dynamics. The results showed that there was a relationship between height and RCD growth, particularly with species where their height was not affected by browsers. H. abyssinica showed higher height (9.13 cm) and RCD (53 mm) change. The second and third highest change in height and RCD was observed on A. falcatus (5.9 cm height and 36 mm RCD) and J. procera (5.56 cm height and 35 mm RCD) respectively. A study conducted on early survival of seedlings showed that higher height and RCD values are crucial for seedling growth (Bahru et al. 2018).
Integrating indigenous species in urban and other landscapes depends critically on scientific information generated on survival and suitability of indigenous species. The results generated by this study help Ethiopia to fulfill its 2016 commitment to restore up to 15 million hectares of forest cover by 2030, which is the most ambitious commitment made by all nations that have joined the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative. The study showed that Addis Ababa is a suitable site for the successful growth of 5 indigenous species. Urban green planners have a reasonable candidate for future urban re-greening initiatives. Each of the indigenous species seedlings had a high early survival rate between 82% and 96%. This is closely linked to the site suitability and the silvicultural practices used, including mulching, watering, weeding, and protection from domestic animals and people. Therefore, putting those silvicultural practices into operation is crucial for the high survival of the indigenous species seedlings.
Wild animals choose and frequently browse young shoots of O. europaea, which created stunted growth on the species’ overall growth performance. Therefore, the species needs to be protected during the early stages of planting or it may be necessary to move the species to the planting location once their leaves have become hardy or unpalatable. Wilting of the seedlings in open field or under canopy cover during the early planting seasons is one of the indicators that it is essential to plant A. falcatus species under shade or provide shade during the early planting stage.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors reported no conflicts of interest.
This study was funded by Addis Ababa University. The authors acknowledge Gullele Botanic Garden for providing a space for establishing experimental plots to monitor the planted seedlings.
- © 2024 International Society of Arboriculture