Table of Contents
December 1979; Volume 5,Issue 12
Helburg, Lawrence B.
- You have accessMBC-P Injection of Elms At Colorado State UniversityLawrence B. HelburgArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) December 1979, 5 (12) 279-280; DOI:
Jones, Charlotte
- You have accessSurvey of Business and Management Practices of Commercial Kansas ArboristsCharlotte Jones and Steven M. StillArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) December 1979, 5 (12) 268-272; DOI:
Laub, Linda
- You have accessThe Natural Enemies of Shade Tree Pest Insects: A National SurveyWilliam Olkowski, Linda Laub and Helga OlkowskiArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) December 1979, 5 (12) 273-275; DOI:
Olkowski, Helga
- You have accessThe Natural Enemies of Shade Tree Pest Insects: A National SurveyWilliam Olkowski, Linda Laub and Helga OlkowskiArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) December 1979, 5 (12) 273-275; DOI:
Olkowski, William
- You have accessThe Natural Enemies of Shade Tree Pest Insects: A National SurveyWilliam Olkowski, Linda Laub and Helga OlkowskiArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) December 1979, 5 (12) 273-275; DOI:
Rich, Saul
- You have accessDecline of Curbside Sugar Maples in ConnecticutSaul Rich and Gerald S. WaltonArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) December 1979, 5 (12) 265-268; DOI:
Santamour, Frank S.
- You have accessRoot Hardiness of Green Ash Seedlings From Different ProvenancesFrank S. SantamourArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) December 1979, 5 (12) 276-279; DOI:
Shortle, Walter C.
- You have accessTree Care: A New Look, 1979Walter C. ShortleArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) December 1979, 5 (12) 281-284; DOI:
Still, Steven M.
- You have accessSurvey of Business and Management Practices of Commercial Kansas ArboristsCharlotte Jones and Steven M. StillArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) December 1979, 5 (12) 268-272; DOI:
Walton, Gerald S.
- You have accessDecline of Curbside Sugar Maples in ConnecticutSaul Rich and Gerald S. WaltonArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) December 1979, 5 (12) 265-268; DOI:
In this issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF)
Vol. 5, Issue 12
December 1979