HAUS | Survey | The HAUS is an additive scale of 14 items measuring community stress using questions that are personal evaluations of external stimuli. The measure used is a block average. |
StreetT | Inventory | A count of the number of municipal trees on the facing sides of the street. No trees on side streets were included. The number given is the block total. |
OtherT | Inventory | A count of the all trees between the facing block buildings, except street trees. It was calculated as the difference between the total trees and the number of street trees. |
MedInc | Secondary | Median income of the block, taken from a secondary data source, expressed per USD $1,000. |
BlkFeat | Inventory | An additive scale of five block features reviewed by the main author that reflect negative aspects of the block. |
Age | Survey | The average age of respondents on the block, based on the information given in the survey. |
Educ | Survey | The average block proportion of college-educated respondents, based on the information given in the survey. |
Employ | Survey | The average block proportion of employed respondents, based on the information given in the survey. |
Owner | Survey | The average block proportion of owner-occupied houses, based on the information given in the survey. |
Crime | Survey | The average block proportion of respondents who indicated crime on their block in the last month, based on the information given in the survey. |
Police | Survey | The average block proportion of respondents who indicated a police visit on their block in the last month, based on the information given in the survey. |
Safety | Survey | The block mean response to a four-item Likert scale, with 4 indicating Very Safe, based on the information given in the survey. |
Health | Survey | The block mean response to a five-item Likert scale, with 5 indicating Excellent, based on the information given in the survey. |
PSS | Survey | The PSS is an additive scale of 10 items measuring community stress using questions that inquire about personal efficacy. The measure used is a block average. |