Research ArticleArticles
The Costs of Maintaining and Not Maintaining the Urban Forest: A Review of the Urban Forestry and Arboriculture Literature
Jess Vogt, Richard J. Hauer and Burnell C. Fischer
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) November 2015, 41 (6) 293-323; DOI:
Jess Vogt
Jess Vogt, MPA, MSES, Ph.D. (corresponding author), Department of Environmental Science and Studies, College of Science and Health, DePaul University, 1110 West Belden Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60614, U.S.,
Richard J. Hauer
Richard J. Hauer, Ph.D., C.F., College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, 2100 Main Street, Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481, U.S.
Burnell C. Fischer
Burnell C. Fischer, Ph.D., C.F., School of Public and Environmental Affairs, and The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University Bloomington, 513 North Park Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana 47408, U.S.

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- Achinelli, F.G.,
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- M.A.H. Boogaerdt
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- Carpenter, H.A.
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- Carvell, K.L.
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- Chadwick, L.C.
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- Chaney, W.R.
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- Chapman, D.J.
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- Churack, P.L.,
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- K. Ottman, and
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- N. Matheny
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- N. Matheny
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- D.J. Hirst
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- Day, S.,
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- D.L. Dahlsten
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- Duchchere, K.
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- Dykes, A.M.
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- Escobedo, F.,
- C. Luley,
- J. Bond,
- C. Staudhammer, and
- C. Bartel
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- Escobedo, F.J.,
- T. Kroeger, and
- J.E. Wagner
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- Evans, P.S., and
- J.E. Klett
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- Felix, R.
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- Funk, R., and
- W. Peterson
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- Gibbs, J.N., and
- B.J.W. Greig
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- Gibbs, J.N., and
- C.A. Palmer
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- Gilman, E.F.
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- Gilman, E.F.
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- Gilman, E.F.
- Gilman, E.F., and
- J. Grabosky
- ↵
- Goodfellow, J.W., and
- A. Kayihan
- ↵
- Green, T.L., and
- G.W. Watson
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- Gregory, G.F., and
- J.R. Allison
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- Guikema, S.D.,
- R.A. Davidson, and
- H. Liu
- ↵
- Harris, J.R.,
- S.D. Day, and
- B. Kane
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- Harris, R.W.
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- Hart, J.H., and
- G.K. Dennis
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- Hauer, R.J.,
- A.J. Hauer,
- D.R. Hartel, and
- J.R. Johnson
- Hauer, R.J.,
- R.W. Miller, and
- D.M. Ouimet
- ↵
- Hauer R.J.,
- J.M. Vogt, and
- B.C. Fischer
- ↵
- Henning, R.E.
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- Hensley, D.L.
- ↵
- Himelick, E.B.,
- D.W. Cepiecha
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- Himelick, E.B., and
- K.J. Himelick
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- Holewinski, D.E., and
- P.A. Johnston
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- Hvass, N.
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- Ishikawa, N., and
- M. Fukushige
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- Jetter, K.,
- K. Klonsky, and
- C.H. Pickett
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- Jim, C.Y.
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- Jo, H.-K.
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- E.G. McPherson
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- Johnstone, R.A.
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- Kane, B.
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- Karlovich, D.A.,
- J.W. Groninger, and
- D.D. Close
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- Kendall, A., and
- E.G. McPherson
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- Kennedy, R.W.
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- Kenney, W.A., and
- C. Idziak
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- Kielbaso, J.
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- Kielbaso, J.,
- G. Haston, and
- D. Pawl
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- Klonowski, A.D.
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- Koeser, A.,
- R. Hauer,
- K. Norris, and
- R. Krouse
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- Kostichka, C.J., and
- W.N. Cannon
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- Kovacs, K.F.,
- R.G. Haight,
- D.G. McCullough,
- R.J. Mercader,
- N.W. Siegert, and
- A.M. Liebhold
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- Kozlowski, T.T., and
- S.G. Pallardy
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- Kramer, P.
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- Krause R.M.,
- S.K. Mincey, and
- J.M. Vogt
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- Kuntz, P.A.,
- R.D. Christie, and
- S.S. Venkata
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- Leal, L.,
- D. Biondi, and
- R. Rochadelli
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- Lough, W.B.
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- Loukaitou-Sideris,
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- Luley, C.J.,
- S. Sisinni, and
- A. Pleninger
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- Maco, S.E., and
- E.G. McPherson
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- Mayne, L.S.
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- McPherson, E.G.
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- McPherson, E.G.
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- McPherson, E.G.
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- McPherson, E.G.
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- G. Watson and
- D. Neely
- McPherson, E.G., and
- P.J. Peper
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- McPherson, E.G.,
- J.R. Simpson,
- P.J. Peper, and
- Q. Xiao
- ↵
- McPherson, E.G.,
- J.R. Simpson,
- P.J. Peper,
- S.E. Maco, and
- Q. Xiao
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- McPherson, E.G.,
- J.R. Simpson,
- P.J. Peper,
- S.L. Gardner,
- K.E. Vargas,
- S.E. Maco, and
- Q. Xiao
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- McWilliam, W.,
- P. Eagles,
- M. Seasons, and
- R. Brown
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- Medicky, E.J.
- Merullo, V.D., and
- M. J. Valentine
- Miller, K.C., and
- R.E. Abbott
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- Miller, R.H., and
- R.W. Miller
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- Miller, R.W,
- R.J. Hauer, and
- L.P. Werner
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- Miller, R.W., and
- M.S. Morano
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- Miller, R.W., and
- W.A. Sylvester
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- Moorman, G.W.
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- Morales, D.J.,
- F.R. Micha, and
- R.L. Weber
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- Neely, D.
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- Nielsen, D.G.
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- Notaro, S., and
- M. De Salvo
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- Nowak, D.J.
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- J.C. Stevens,
- S.M. Sisinni, and
- C.J. Luley
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- O’Brien,
- P.R., and
- K.A. Joehlin
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- O’Brien,
- P.R.,
- K.A. Joehlin, and
- D.J. O’Brien
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- O’Bryan,
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- T.J., Straka,
- S.R. Templeton, and
- J.D. Caldwell
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- Olenik, C.J.
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- Olkowski, H., and
- W. Olkowski
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- Overbeek, J.A.
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- Pauleit, S.,
- N. Jones,
- G. Garcia-Martin,
- J.L. Garcia-Valdecantos,
- L.M. Riviere,
- L. Vidal-Beaudet,
- M. Bodson, and
- T.B. Randrup
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- Pellett, H.,
- R. Hummel, and
- L. Mainquist
- ↵
- Peper, P.P.,
- E.G. McPherson,
- J.R. Simpson,
- K.E. Vargas, and
- Q. Xiao
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- Percival, G.C.,
- G.A. Fraser, and
- S. Barnes
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- Perry, P.B.
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- Peterson, K.S., and
- T.J. Straka
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- Pierce, P.A.
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- Ponce-Donoso,
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- L. Moya, and
- O. Bustos-Letelier
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- Price, C.
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- Randrup, T.B.,
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- L.R. Costello
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- Raupp, M.J.
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- Reardon, R.,
- M. McManus,
- D. Kolodny-Hirsch,
- R., Tichenor,
- M. Raupp,
- C. Schwalbe,
- R. Webb, and
- P. Meckley
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- Rich, S., and
- G.S. Walton
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- Roy, S.,
- J. Byrne, and
- C. Pickering
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- Rubens, J.M.
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- Ryan, H.D.P.
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- Ryder, C.M., and
- G.M. Moore
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- Sadof, C.,
- L. Purcell,
- F. J. Bishop,
- C. Quesada, and
- Z. Zhang
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- Samyn, J., and
- B. de Vos
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- Scharenbroch, B.C., and
- M. Catania
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- Scharenbroch, B.C., and
- J.E. Lloyd
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- Schwarz, C.F., and
- J.A. Wagar
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- Scott, J.L., and
- D.R. Betters
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- Seila, A.F., and
- L.M. Anderson
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- Sharon, E.M.
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- Sherald, J.L., and
- G.F. Gregory
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- Sherwood, S.C., and
- D.R. Betters
- ↵
- Shigo, A.L.
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- Shigo, A.L.
- ↵
- Sievert, R.C. Jr.
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- Sisinni, S.M.,
- W.C. Zipperer, and
- A.G. Pleninger
- ↵
- Smiley, E.T., and
- S. Lilly
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- Smith, E.M.
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- Smith, E.M.
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- Smith, E.M., and
- C.D. Mitchell
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- Sreetheran, M.,
- M. Adnan, and
- A.K. Khairil Azuar
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- Stewart, M.G.,
- D.O. Callaghan, and
- M. Hartley
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- Strohbach, M.W.,
- E. Arnold, and
- D. Haase
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- Symes, P., and
- G. Connellan
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- Tate, R.L.
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- Tate, R.L.
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- Tate, R.L.
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- Tate, R.L.
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- Thompson, R.,
- N. Pillsbury, and
- R. Hanna
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- Tinus, C.A., and
- M. LaMana
- ↵
- Tschantz, B.A., and
- P.L. Sacamano
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- Tyrväinen,
- L.,
- H. Silvennoinen, and
- O. Kolehmainen
- ↵
- Ulrich, E.
- ↵
- ↵
- ↵
- Vogt, J.M.,
- S.K. Mincey,
- B.C. Fischer, and
- M. Patterson
- ↵
- Wagar, J.A., and
- P.A. Barker
- ↵
- Wagner, J.F.
- ↵
- L.R. Walker
- Walker, L.R., and
- M.R. Willig
- ↵
- Watson, G.
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- Watson, G.
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- Wilson, C.L.
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- Yamamoto, S.T.
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- Yingling, E.L.,
- C.A. Keeley,
- S. Little, and
- J. Burtis
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- Zillmer, R.E.,
- J.L. Boeder, and
- K.G. Genich
In this issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF)
Vol. 41, Issue 6
November 2015
The Costs of Maintaining and Not Maintaining the Urban Forest: A Review of the Urban Forestry and Arboriculture Literature
Jess Vogt, Richard J. Hauer, Burnell C. Fischer
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) Nov 2015, 41 (6) 293-323; DOI: 10.48044/jauf.2015.027
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