Hogan, Gail. 1977. EPA: understanding enforcement. Weeds, Trees and Turf 16(2): 12, 17.
So you think you have problems with the enforcement arm of the EPA? Amendments, signed into law by the President in October of 1972, strengthened the vague FIFRA. The new amendments prohibited any person from using any registered pesticide “in a manner inconsistent with its labeling,” provided for classification of pesticides into “general” and “restricted” categories, limited those who could apply “restricted” pesticides, and gave EPA new powers of enforcement such as stop sale and removal orders, the power to initiate seizure actions, the authority to require manufacturers to register pesticideproducing establishments, and the power to initiate civil or criminal proceedings against violators. In the years that followed, EPA’s enforcement arm focused its strategy on ensuring compliance of manufacturers and users through producer establishment inspections, pesticide sampling, pesticide analysis, and use surveillance.
- © 1978, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.