Research ArticleArticles
Above and Belowground Growth of Corymbia maculata in a Constructed Soil: The Effect of Profile Design and Organic Amendment
Karen Smith, Peter May and Robert White
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2010, 36 (1) 11-17; DOI:
Karen Smith
Karen Smith, City of Hobsons Bay Parks and Recreation, Altona, Victoria, Australia
Peter May
Peter May (corresponding author), University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus, Department of Resource Management and Geography, Richmond 3121, Victoria, Australia
Robert White
Robert White, Melbourne School of Land and Environment, University of Melbourne, Parkville 3010, Victoria, Australia

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- Bennett, L.T.,
- C.J. Weston,
- T.S. Judd,
- P.M. Attiwill, and
- P.H. Whiteman
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- T. Arthur,
- P. Esdale,
- P. May,
- G. Moore,
- J. Delpratt, and
- P. Kenyon
- Burnett, J.
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- Craul, P.J.
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- Craul, T., and
- P. Craul
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- PM. Attiwill and
- M.A. Adams
- Cromer, R.N.
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- Dell, B., and
- J.M. Robinson
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- Grabosky, J.,
- N. Bassuk,
- L. Irwin, and
- H. van Es
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- P.M. Attiwill and
- M.A. Adams
- Grove, T.S.,
- B.D. Thompson, and
- N. Malajczuk
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- D. Neely and
- G.W. Watson
- Kelsey, P.
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- C.A. Black,
- D.D. Evans,
- L. Ensminger,
- J.L. White, and
- F.E. Clark
- Knudsen, D.,
- G. Petersen, and
- P. Prat
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- D. Neely and
- G.W. Watson
- Lichter, J., and
- P. Lindsay
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- Offord, C.,
- S. Muir, and
- J. Tyler
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- Black, C.A.,
- D.D. Evans,
- L. Ensminger,
- J.L. White, and
- F.E. Clark
- Olsen, S.R., and
- L.A. Dean
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- Piper, C.S.
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- Smith, K.
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- Standards Australia
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- Standards Australia
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- United States Environment Protection Agency
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- Watson, G.
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- White, R.E.
In this issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF)
Vol. 36, Issue 1
January 2010
Above and Belowground Growth of Corymbia maculata in a Constructed Soil: The Effect of Profile Design and Organic Amendment
Karen Smith, Peter May, Robert White
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) Jan 2010, 36 (1) 11-17; DOI: 10.48044/jauf.2010.002
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