Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) via the wire–border zone method has been used for the maintenance of vegetation along an electric utility transmission right-of-way (ROW) at the Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, U.S., since 1987. The wire–border zone method creates a forb–grass–short shrub cover type in wire zones and a tall shrub cover type in border zones. The Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area has been studied annually since 1987, which makes this 18-year-old project one of the longest continuous studies documenting the effects of mechanical and herbicidal maintenance on flora and fauna along an electric transmission ROW. In this paper, our objective is to present target (undesirable) tree density and cover-type development in response to IVM prior to the most recent treatment (June 1999) and 4 to 5 years after treatment. Excellent control of target trees was noted in 1999 in wire zones of mowing plus herbicide units; in contrast, tree control was poor in wire zones of mechanical units (mowing and handcut). Maximum tree height averaged 4.3 m (14 ft) and 4.9 m (16 ft) in wire and border zones, respectively. Immediately prior to the 1999 treatment of the Green Lane ROW, cover types in wire zones of herbicidal units (mowing plus herbicide, stem–foliage spray, and foliage spray) were classified as shrub–forb–grass–tree, whereas types in border zones of these units were tree–shrub–forb. Both wire and border zones of mechanical units were considered tree–shrub–forb cover type. The overall density of target trees increased 7.3% and 26.4% in wire zones and border zones, respectively, in 2004 compared to 2003. From 1999–2004, the most common target tree species on the Green Lane ROW was white ash (Fraxinus americana). In both 2003 and 2004, shrubs and forbs were the most important cover types in wire zones of all treatment units; grass cover type, however, was important in wire zones of five of the ten units. IVM of a ROW is a “tree resistant” but not a “tree proof” means of reducing tree invasion. Competition with existing plants and wildlife predation on tree seeds on a ROW managed via the wire–border zone method keeps tree invasion to a minimum. Thus, over the years since 1987, IVM and the wire–border zone method of ROW maintenance have increased the time between treatment cycles, thereby reducing labor and chemical costs for ROW maintenance.
- Cover type
- herbicide
- Integrated Vegetation Management
- right-of-way
- tree control
- vegetation, wire–border zone method
Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) via the wire–border zone method has been used for vegetative maintenance along an electric utility transmission right-of-way (ROW) at the Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, U.S., since 1987 (Bramble and Brynes 1996; Yahner and Hutnik 2004a). IVM comprises two treatment phases: (1) use of herbicidal sprays or mechanical treatments to eliminate target (undesirable) tree species (i.e., those that have the potential of growing to a height that is not compatible with safe ROW maintenance), and (2) development of tree-resistant plant cover types to reduce invasion of the ROW by target tree species (Bramble and Byrnes 1996; Yahner and Hutnik 2004b).
The wire–border zone method was implemented on the ROW in 1987 (Figure 1) (Yahner and Hutnik 2004a; see also Yahner and Hutnik 2004b). This method creates forb–grass–short shrub cover type in wire zones and shrub cover type in border zones (Bramble et al. 1991), thereby producing a ROW with economic, aesthetic, and wildlife benefits (Yahner 2004). Recently, electric utility companies have recommended the use of the wire–border zone method and IVM for maintenance of vegetation along transmission ROW (Burns 2004). In this paper, our objective was to present target tree density and cover-type development on the ROW at the Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area in response to IVM prior to the most recent treatment (1999) and 4 to 5 years after treatment.
The Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area is located along a 500-kV transmission ROW of PECO in the Piedmont Region of southeastern Pennsylvania (Yahner and Hutnik 2004a). Treatment units on the ROW are rectangular in shape, 0.32 to 1 ha (0.8 to 2.47 ac) each, and span the entire width of the ROW.
In 1987, five treatments were applied: handcut, mowing, mowing plus herbicide, foliage spray, and stem–foliage spray (Yahner and Hutnik 2004a). In the handcut unit, woody vegetation was cut to a 10 cm (4 in.) height in wire zones, and undesirable trees were cut in border zones. In mowing units, vegetation was mowed in wire zones. In mowing plus herbicide units, vegetation was mowed in wire zones, and a broadcast spray was applied immediately using a mix of Tordon K (0.75%), Garlon 3A (0.75%), water, and blue dye. In foliage spray units, Accord, Clean Cut, and 38F in water was applied to the foliage of all trees and tall shrubs in wire zones. In stem–foliage spray units, a selective stem–foliage spray of Tordon 101, Garlon 3A (0.5%), water, and blue dye was applied to all trees and tall shrubs in wire zones. In border zones of mowing, mowing plus herbicide, foliage spray, and stem–foliage spray units, a low-volume selective basal spray was applied to target trees using Access and Garlon 4 in Arborchem basal oil.
Six treatments were applied in 1993, including the same five used in an earlier treatment of the ROW in 1987 plus a Krenite treatment (Yahner and Hutnik 2004a). In 1993, the handcut unit was treated as in 1987, but one-third of the handcut unit was given a selective foliage spray using Krenite S and water in wire zones; a selective foliage spray was applied in border zones to trees consisting of Garlon 3A, Escort, and surfactant 41A in water. In 1993, wire zones in the mowing units were treated as in 1987; however, wire zones in mowing plus herbicide units did not need retreatment, wire zones in foliage spray units were treated with Garlon 3A and water, and wire zones in stem–foliage spray units were treated with Accord and surfactant in water. Also in 1993, border zones in mowing, mowing plus herbicide, and foliage spray units were given a low-volume selective basal spray of Garlon 4 and Arsenal in basal oil.
Five treatments were applied in 1999 to the Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area: handcut, mowing, mowing plus herbicide, stem–foliage spray, and foliage spray (Yahner and Hutnik 2004b). In 1999, the Krenite spray unit in the 1993 treatment was reincorporated into the original handcut unit, and this unit was cut as in previous treatments. Wire zones of mowing units were treated as in 1987, and border zones of these units and those of the following three treatment units were treated with a low-volume selective basal spray of Garlon 4 in Arborchem basal oil. Wire zones in mowing plus herbicide units were cut as in the 1987 treatment and then sprayed 10 weeks later with Tordon K and Thinvert in water. Trees and tall shrubs in wire zones of stem–foliage spray units were treated with Garlon 3A and Tordon K in water; trees and tall shrubs in wire zones of foliage spray units were treated with Accord and Chemsurf 80 in water.
Vegetation was measured on the Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area during May to mid-June in 1999, 2003, and 2004 (Yahner et al. 1999, 2003b; Yahner and Hutnik 2004a). We counted target (undesirable) trees at least 0.3 m (1 ft) in height within two permanent transect belts (each 20 m [66 ft] long × 2 m [6.6 ft] wide) in wire zone and within two to three corresponding permanent transect belts (each 10 m [33 ft] long × 2 m [6.6 ft] wide) that extended east from wire zone transects and into adjacent border zones. Vegetation in the east border zone only was measured because the west border zone on the Green Lane ROW was adjacent to a ROW maintained by PP&L utility company.
We counted only those trees within a given transect belt (i.e., trees rooted outside a belt with foliage extending into the belt were not counted). Using these data, we calculated the density of target trees (no./ha) in each treatment unit and zone. In addition, we noted the maximum height (m) of target trees in both wire and border zones of each unit in the vicinity of each transect belt. We also determined plant cover types within a 5 m (16.4 ft) radius plot placed in the center of each transect belt in wire and border zones of each unit, using the Braun-Blanquet method for estimating abundance and sociability of major plants. From these several estimates within each treatment unit, we calculated plant cover type(s) in each unit as forb, grass, shrub, tree, or a combination of these.
Vegetation in 1999 Prior to Treatments in June 1999
Excellent to moderate control of target trees was observed in herbicidal units. Excellent control of target trees was noted in wire zones of mowing plus herbicide units (618–642 trees/ha [250–260 trees/ac]), even though 12 years had elapsed since the 1987 treatment (Yahner et al. 1999). Moderate tree density (741–1,976 trees/ha [300–800 trees/ac]) was typical in wire zones of stem–foliage and foliage spray units. In contrast, tree control was poor in wire zones of mechanical units (mowing: 4,446–5,311 trees/ha [1,800–2,150 trees/ac]; handcut: 4,570 trees/ha [1,850 trees/ac]). Tree density in border zones of all units, except handcut, averaged 2,668 trees/ha (1,080 trees/ac); in handcut, density was 3,458 trees/ha (1,400 trees/ac).
Maximum tree height on the Green Lane ROW averaged 4.3 m (14 ft) and 4.9 m (16 ft) in wire and border zones, respectively (Yahner et al. 1999). Hence, trees were dangerously tall and in need of cutting to prevent possible power outages.
Immediately prior to the 1999 treatment of the Green Lane ROW, cover types in wire zones of herbicidal units (mowing plus herbicide, stem–foliage spray, and foliage spray) were classified as shrub–forb–grass–tree, whereas types in border zones of these units were tree–shrub–forb (Bramble et al. 1998). Both wire and border zones of mechanical units (mowing and handcut) were considered tree–shrub–forb cover type.
Vegetation in 2003 and 2004
The overall density of target trees in 2004 in all treatment units combined averaged 1,635 trees/ha [662 trees/ac] in wire zones and 1,894 trees/ha [767 trees/ac] in border zones (Table 1) (Yahner et al. 2003a; Yahner and Hutnik 2004a). Compared to densities noted in 2003, this represented only a 7.3% increase from the average overall density in wire zones (1,524 trees/ha [617 trees/ac] in 2003) but a 26.4% increase from the density in border zones (1,499 trees/ha [607 trees/ac] in 2003).
The overall densities of target trees, especially in wire zones, were influenced greatly by combining mechanical and herbicidal units (Table 1). For instance, if only wire zones of herbicidal units are considered, there were only 687 trees/ha (278 trees/ac) in 2003 and 728 trees/ha (295 trees/ac) in 2004. Yet, these densities in 2003–2004 were higher than those noted in 1999 prior to the last treatment. Hence, subsequent to a treatment, annual increases in target tree densities were expected as trees gradually invaded shrub, forb, and grass cover types, but these low densities in herbicidal units attest, in part, to the effectiveness of IVM for maintenance of electric utility transmission ROW (Bramble and Byrnes 1996).
Densities of target trees in border zones differed somewhat from those in wire zones in 2003 and 2004 (Table 1) (Yahner and Hutnik 2004a). Within most treatment units, there was no relationship between tree densities in wire zones versus adjacent border zones. In part, this was because border zones of each treatment unit were treated similarly in 1987, 1993, and 1999, and we should not expect any particular trends in tree densities among border zones of various treatment units. In fact, densities of trees actually declined in mechanical units between 2003 and 2004. From 1999–2004, the most common target tree species on the Green Lane ROW was white ash (Fraxinus americana); other relatively common target tree species were sassafras (Sassafras albidum), black cherry (Prunus serotina), eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), and red maple (Acer rubrum).
By 2004, the maximum tree height averaged 4.8 m (15.7 ft) in wire zones and 6.7 m (22.0 ft) in border zones on the Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area (Yahner and Hutnik 2004a). As a consequence of these heights of target trees, which were greater than those recorded in 1999 prior to the last treatment, the Green Lane ROW was treated again in July–August 2004.
In both 2003 and 2004, shrubs and forbs were the most important cover types in wire zones of all treatment units, but grass cover type was important in wire zones of five of the ten units (Table 2) (Yahner and Hutnik 2004a). These results were similar to those observed in 1999 on the Green Lane ROW. Trees were a major cover type in handcut units. If vegetation were sampled in late July rather than earlier in the year, forbs perhaps would be better represented in cover types. The major shrub in wire zones of all units was Rubus, whereas the principal shrub in border zones was Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) was the dominant forb in most treatment units.
IVM of a ROW is a “tree resistant” but not a “tree proof” means of reducing tree invasion (Bramble et al. 1996). Competition with existing plants and wildlife predation on tree seeds on a ROW managed via the wire–border zone method keep tree invasion to a minimum. Thus, over the years since 1987, IVM and the wire–border zone method of ROW maintenance have increased the time between treatment cycles, thereby reducing labor and chemical costs for maintenance (Bramble et al. 1996; Yahner and Hutnik 2004b).
In summary, the plant community present on the Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area has remained relatively stable over the years since the onset of IVM and the wire–border zone method of maintenance in 1987. The result has been an excellent demonstration of how ROW maintenance can have multiple benefits to utility companies and wildlife (e.g., Yahner 2004). Recently, electric utility companies have recommended that IVM and the wire–border zone method be used on both new and existing ROW to mitigate undesirable tree invasion and possible power outages in the future (Burns 2004).
Cooperators were Asplundh Tree Expert Tree Company, Dow AgroSciences, and PECO Energy. Thanks are extended to Environmental Consultants, Inc. Also, we appreciate the assistance of E. Hill in preparing this manuscript.
- © 2005, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.