Index by author
January 2001; Volume 27,Issue 1
Bramble, William C.
- You have accessEffect of Vegetation Maintenance of an Electric Transmission Right-of-Way on Reptile and Amphibian PopulationsRichard H. Yahner, William C. Bramble and W. Richard ByrnesArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2001, 27 (1) 24-29; DOI:
Byrnes, W. Richard
- You have accessEffect of Vegetation Maintenance of an Electric Transmission Right-of-Way on Reptile and Amphibian PopulationsRichard H. Yahner, William C. Bramble and W. Richard ByrnesArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2001, 27 (1) 24-29; DOI:
Cregg, Bert M.
- You have accessTree Moisure Stress and Insect Damage in Urban Areas in Relation to Heat Island EffectsBert M. Cregg and Mary Ellen DixArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2001, 27 (1) 8-17; DOI:
Dix, Mary Ellen
- You have accessTree Moisure Stress and Insect Damage in Urban Areas in Relation to Heat Island EffectsBert M. Cregg and Mary Ellen DixArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2001, 27 (1) 8-17; DOI:
Gilman, Edward F.
- You have accessEffect of Nursery Production Method, Irrigation, and Inoculation with Mycorrhizae-Forming Fungi on Establishment of Quercus virginianaEdward F. GilmanArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2001, 27 (1) 30-39; DOI:
May, Peter B.
- You have accessThe Influence of Compaction and Soil Strength on the Establishment of Four Australian Landscape TreesKaren D. Smith, Peter B. May and Gregory M. MooreArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2001, 27 (1) 1-7; DOI:
Moore, Gregory M.
- You have accessThe Influence of Compaction and Soil Strength on the Establishment of Four Australian Landscape TreesKaren D. Smith, Peter B. May and Gregory M. MooreArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2001, 27 (1) 1-7; DOI:
Santamour, Frank S.
- You have accessDifferential Feeding by Adult Japanese Beetles on Foliage of Birch (Betula) Species and HybridsFrank S. SantamourArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2001, 27 (1) 18-23; DOI:
Smith, Karen D.
- You have accessThe Influence of Compaction and Soil Strength on the Establishment of Four Australian Landscape TreesKaren D. Smith, Peter B. May and Gregory M. MooreArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2001, 27 (1) 1-7; DOI:
Sommer, Robert
- You have accessThe Dendro-Psychoses of J.O. QuantzRobert SommerArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) January 2001, 27 (1) 40-43; DOI: