Research ArticleArticles
Tree Wound Reactions of Differently Treated Boreholes
Dirk Dujesiefken, Andreas Rhaesa, Dieter Eckstein and Horst Stobbe
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) May 1999, 25 (3) 113-123; DOI:
Dirk Dujesiefken
Institute for Arboriculture, Brookkehre 60, 21029 Hamburg, Germany
Institute for Wood Biology, University of Hamburg, Leuschnerstr 91, 21031 Hamburg, Germany
Andreas Rhaesa
Institute for Arboriculture, Brookkehre 60, 21029 Hamburg, Germany
Institute for Wood Biology, University of Hamburg, Leuschnerstr 91, 21031 Hamburg, Germany
Dieter Eckstein
Institute for Arboriculture, Brookkehre 60, 21029 Hamburg, Germany
Institute for Wood Biology, University of Hamburg, Leuschnerstr 91, 21031 Hamburg, Germany
Horst Stobbe
Institute for Arboriculture, Brookkehre 60, 21029 Hamburg, Germany
Institute for Wood Biology, University of Hamburg, Leuschnerstr 91, 21031 Hamburg, Germany
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In this issue
Tree Wound Reactions of Differently Treated Boreholes
Dirk Dujesiefken, Andreas Rhaesa, Dieter Eckstein, Horst Stobbe
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) May 1999, 25 (3) 113-123; DOI: 10.48044/jauf.1999.017
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