Research ArticleArticles
Legislation to Protect and Replace Trees on Private Land: Ordinances in Westchester County, New York
Jon C. Cooper
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) November 1996, 22 (6) 270-278; DOI:
Jon C. Cooper
Jon C. Cooper, Associate Professor of Environmental Science, SUNY Purchase, Anderson Hill Hoad, Purchase, NY 10577-1400

Literature Cited
- 1.↵American Planning Association. 1989. A tree grows in suburbia (on an Illinois ordinance). Zoning News. January.
- 2.↵Board of Trustees of Mount Kisco. 1989. Chapter 99, Tree Preservation (January).
- 3.↵Board of Trustees of the Village of Ardsley. 1983. Chapter 185 of Ardsley, Trees and Shrubs (December 1983, amended November 1984 and January 1985).
- 4.↵Board of Trustees of the Village of Scarsdale. 1986. Chapter 281, Trees, Brush, Grass and Weeds (as amended, June 1986 and July 1978).
- 5.↵
- Brough, M.
- 6.↵Chapter of Ardsley. 1983. Sec. 185–1.
- 7.↵City of White Plains Common Council. 1984. Trees, Section 7.
- 8.↵City of Worcester, Massachusetts. 1988. A Proposed Forestry Ordinance (revised November 10, 1988).
- 9.↵Irvington Village Board. 1980. Chapter 41 A, Trees (March ).
- 10.↵Local Law of Greenburgh. 1987. Sec. 56–1.
- 11.Local Law of Harrison. 1989. Sec. 220–1.
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- Neely, D.
- 13.↵New York City. 1985. Code section 18–102.
- 14.↵New York State. 1996. Real Property Tax Law section 480-a as revised (in effect since 1912).
- 15.↵New York State Department of Environmental Protection. 1991. Tree City USA Project.
- 16.↵North Tarrytown Village Board. 1984. Local Law No. 1, Tree Conservation (January ).
- 17.↵Ordinance of Bedford. 1986. Sec. 123–1.
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- Robinson, N.
- 19.↵Town of Eastchester. 1950. Ordinance No. 4 (Relating to Trespass, Malicious Mischief and Protection of Trees).
- 20.Town of Eastchester. 1947. An Ordinance Relating to the Control of Infested Trees, Shrubs and Bushes and the Elimination of Ragweed, Poison Ivy and Other Poisonous and Harmful Weeds and Plants (September 3).
- 21.↵Town of Greenburgh. 198w156, Tree and Forest Protection (February).
- 24.↵Town Board of Harrison. 1989. Local Law No. 3, Tree Protection Law.
- 25.↵Town Board of Lewisboro. 1984. Local Law No. 3 (January 1977, amended August).
- 26.↵Town Board of Mount Pleasant. 1989. Chapter 201, Trees (April).
- 27.↵Town Board of North Castle. 1962. Section 102, Tree Removal (October).
- 28.↵Town Board of Pound Ridge. 1990. Local Law No. 1, Tree Preservation.
- 29.↵Village of Tarrytown. 1988. Local Law No. 8, A Local Law Governing the Planting, Preservation and Protection of Trees (August).
- 30.↵Village Board of Rye Brook. 1989. Local Law No. 5, Preservation of Trees.
In this issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF)
Vol. 22, Issue 6
November 1996
Legislation to Protect and Replace Trees on Private Land: Ordinances in Westchester County, New York
Jon C. Cooper
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) Nov 1996, 22 (6) 270-278; DOI: 10.48044/jauf.1996.041
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