The current President of ISA is Dr. J. James Kieibaso. Jim is a Professor of Forestry at Michigan State University in East Lansing. He teaches arboriculture and urban forestry; researches maple manganese deficiency, Cytospora cankers, resident preferences for trees, and national urban forest management policies; and also directs graduate students. He has authored several articles that have appeared in the Journal of Arboriculture.
Jim has several goals for the coming year. They include developing a new 5-year strategy for ISA, continuing our international growth, expanding and improving relationships with green industry organizations and allied agencies, and broadening the influence of ISA on professional tree care around the world. He believes that the most important thing that ISA can do is communicate; communicate with members, chapters, tree care professionals and the public. He welcomes your suggestions. Write to Department of Forestry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml 48824 or call (517) 355-7533.
- © 1994, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.