Anonymous. 1976. Tree anchors aid large planting project. Grounds Maintenance 11(3): 64, 70.
When the town of Radisson, N.Y., decided to have 100 trees transplanted in a long strip of land alongside a new waste water treatment facility, guying problems were a matter of particular concern. Wooden stakes used for guying some 200 trees in an earlier project had been unable to withstand the high prevailing winds and soil conditions. The Radisson officials agreed to change the specifications to allow the use of a special anchor, called Arrowhead Earth Anchors. The arrowhead shape of the metal anchors makes it easy to drive them into any kind of soil with a minimum of ground disturbance. The anchor shaft can be fitted into the driving rod of a pneumatic hammer for easier installation. Manual installation of the anchors is another alternative. As many as three turnbuckles may be attached to one anchor, reducing installation costs and improving appearances.
- © 1976, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.