Index by author
April 1976; Volume 2,Issue 4
Kuhns, Larry J.
- You have accessCopper Toxicity in Woody OrnamentalsLarry J. Kuhns and T. Davis SydnorArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) April 1976, 2 (4) 68-72; DOI:
Mcconnell, Robert
- You have accessTree Maintenance in PhiladelphiaRobert McConnellArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) April 1976, 2 (4) 77-78; DOI:
Munro, Geoffrey
- You have accessRecent Work with Soluble Benlate in CanadaGeoffrey MunroArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) April 1976, 2 (4) 74-76; DOI:
Ratcliff, Pete
- You have accessWood Disposal or Wood HarvestingPete RatcliffArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) April 1976, 2 (4) 79-80; DOI:
Rexrode, C.O.
- You have accessInsect Transmission of Oak WiltC.O. RexrodeArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) April 1976, 2 (4) 61-66; DOI:
Sydnor, T. Davis
- You have accessCopper Toxicity in Woody OrnamentalsLarry J. Kuhns and T. Davis SydnorArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) April 1976, 2 (4) 68-72; DOI: