Smith, Elton M. 1975. Mice are choosy—like euonymus best! Nursery Notes, 8(4): 5-6. Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio State University, Columbus.
Producers of container-grown nursery stock have long known that unless they take precautions to control field mice, considerable plant losses can be expected during the over-wintering season. Since low structures are used, what plants can be stored in these units with the knowledge that mice are not as likely to feed on them? To evaluate the susceptibility of a number of woody ornamentals to damage from mice was one of the objectives of a 1974-75 over-wintering study at OSU. The results indicate that mouse damage occurred in all houses and was most severe on Euonymus sarcoxie and vegetus, Japanese holly, Spring Glory forsythia, Royal Beauty cotoneaster, and slender Deutzia.
- © 1976, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.