Young plants grown from rooted cuttings of four Norway maple cultivars and three red maple cultivars, as well as seedlings of six maple species, were inoculated with combinations of Verticillium dahliae and several root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). The Verticillium-susceptible Norway maples (‘Crimson King’ and ‘Greenlace’) were resistant to the nematodes but some plants were killed by the wilt fungus. Of the wilt-tolerant cultivars, ‘Parkway’ was also tolerant or resistant to the nematodes and the plants did not exhibit wilt symptoms. However, the death of several plants of the supposed wilt-tolerant ‘Jade Green’, which was susceptible to some of the nematodes, indicated a synergism between the two pathogens. The red maple cultivars were highly susceptible to most of the nematodes, but they did not wilt. Seedlings of Norway maple also showed evidence of the synergistic effect of the fungus and the nematodes.
Species of Fusarium and Verticillium are important fungal wilt pathogens of both herbaceous crops and woody plants. Since these fungi normally occur in the soil, many studies have sought to determine the potential synergism between a particular fungus and various nematodes (8). Disease complexes of Fusarium and root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.), in which the combined effects of both pathogens are significantly greater than those of each pathogen alone, are known in many crop plants (8). In woody plants, McArdle and Santamour (6) used root-knot-Fusarium combinations to screen seedlings of Albizia julibrissin for resistance to mimosa wilt. Whereas fungal inoculation alone killed about 50% of seedlings derived from parent trees selected for wilt resistance, fewer than 1.5% of such seedlings survived for two years following inoculation with the with the wilt fungus and two species of root-knot nematodes.
The nematodes involved in disease complexes of herbaceous plants with Verticillium fungi are mostly migratory types such as the lesion nematode (Pratylenchus spp.). Dwinell and Sinclair (1) have also suggested that P. penetrans may interact with V. dahliae on elm and maple. Root-knot nematodes have been noted to interact with Verticillium in tomato (7) and potato(5), but no similar studies have been reported on woody plants.
Among landscape trees, the maples (Acerspp.) have long been considered as being most susceptible to Verticillium wilt, and 10 species were reported as hosts in the 1957 compendium of Engelhard (1). These were A. macrophyllum, A. mono, A. negundo, A. nigrum, A. palmatum, A. platanoides, A pseudoplatanus, A. rubrum, A. saccharinum, and A. saccharum. More recent work (3, 4) has added A. campestre and A. ginnala to this list.
Norway maple (A. platanoides) and red maple (A. rubrum) are the two most widely planted maple species in the United States, and Norway maple is considered the most susceptible to Verticillium wilt. However, Townsend et al. (11) reported on the variability among Norway maple cultivars in wilt symptom expression following artificial inoculation. ‘Crimson King’ and ‘Greenlace’ were the most susceptible cultivars and ‘Jade Glen’ and ‘Parkway’ were the most tolerant. Townsend and Hock (10) also reported variation in disease tolerance among half-sib families of red maple. Most of the trees in these two studies had been inoculated by stem wounding, but some of the Norway maple cultivars had also been inoculated by placing a Verticillium spore suspension into the growing medium of container-grown plants.
Hoitink et al. (4), using soil inoculation techniques, found no differences in symptom expression among cultivars of these two maple species. Nine Norway maples (including ‘Crimson King’) were highly susceptible and seven red maples (including ‘Autumn flame’, October Glory’ and ‘Red Sunset’) appeared to be highly tolerant, with no leaf wilt or streaking in the xylem. The plants used in this study had been budded on seedling rootstocks and thus the soil (and root) inoculation might not have been truly indicative of cultivar performance. Townsend et al. (11), however, reported a high degree of correlation between symptom expression of stem-inoculated budded cultivars and of soil (root) inoculation of the same cultivars growing on their own roots.
Inasmuch as we were testing a wide range of maple species for susceptibility to various rootknot nematodes (9), we decided to extend our research to include a pilot study of potential synergism between nematodes and Verticillium in several maple species and cultivars. If a strong synergism could be proved, combined inoculations would provide a more effective screening procedure for wilt resistance.
Materials and Methods
Own-rooted plants (about 30 cm tall) of four Norway maple cultivars (‘Crimson King’, Greenlace’, ‘Jade Glen’, ‘Parkway’) had been propagated and donated by J. Frank Schmidt & Sons Nurs., Boring, Oregon, in 1985. Some of the plants from this shipment had been used by Townsend et al. (11), in their determinations of Verticillium tolerance. Susan E. Bentz, Horticulturist, U.S. National Arboretum, had also attempted (in 1989) a number of interclonal grafts using these plants and some of those individuals on which the grafts had failed were provided for our tests. The cutting back and pruning of these plants resulted in some above-ground growth irregularities, but the plants generally had one or two main leaders.
The red maple cultivars (‘Autumn Flame’, October Glory’, ‘Red Sunset’) were two-year-old rooted cuttings that had not been pruned back to a single stem. Seedlings of A. macrophyllum, A. negundo, A. platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus, A. saccharum, and A. velutinum were grown from seed collected in 1989 and represented the same progenies utilized in our studies of nematode susceptibility (9).
The inoculum for all of the nematodes was prepared from root-galls on a susceptible Salix alba clone (NA44016) growing in containers in the greenhouse. The inoculum dosage for the larger clonal maples consisted of two 50-ml aliquots of a chopped gall-media mixture, but only one aliquot for the smaller seedlings.
The isolates of Verticillium dahliae used for inoculation were supplied by Susan E. Bentz. One isolate, from eggplant, had also been used by Townsend et al. (11) in mixed inoculations of Norway maples. Two new isolates, from the roots of infected ‘Crimson King’ and ‘Greenlace’ maples, also resulted from the experiment. These three isolates were grown on potato-dextrose agar for about 30 days, at which time the 100 mm petri dish was completely covered with the fungus.
The Verticillium inoculum was prepared by blending two plates of the eggplant isolate and one each of the Norway maple isolates in 800 ml water. The larger maples (clones) were inoculated by inserting a chisel (2.5 cm wide) into the growing media to one-half the depth of the container on four sides of each plant and pouring 25 ml of the inoculum into each cut (100 ml per plant). The smaller seedling maples were inoculated with a total of 50 ml inoculum in two chisel cuts into the medium on opposite sides of each plant. This was not considered a high level of inoculation especially since there was no conscious attempt to sever roots before adding the inoculum.
Four plants each of the seven Norway maple and red maple cultivars (listed in Table 1) were inoculated with each of four different nematodes on 18 April 1991. The nematodes were M. arenaria-Race 1, M. arenaria-Race 2, M. incognita, and M. javanica. Thus, 16 plants of each cultivar were inoculated with nematodes. On 17 May 1991, two plants of each cultivar-nematode combination were treated with Verticillium and an additional two plants of each cultivar were treated with Verticillium alone. Two plants of each cultivar served as controls with no nematode or Verticillium treatment.
Response of own-rooted Norway and red maple cultivars to inoculation with Verticillium dahliae alone and in combination with root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.)1
Likewise, only two seedlings of the other maple species were used for each treatment. I noculations were made with both races of M. arenaria and with M. incognita on 15 May 1991, and the Verticillium inoculations were made on 27 June 1991.
Results and Discussion
Data on the response of the Norway and red maple clones to inoculation are presented in Table 1. Neither of the wilt-susceptible cultivars of Norway maple (‘Crimson King’ and ‘Greenlace’) were parasitized by any of the nematodes, but ‘Crimson King’ appeared to be more susceptible to Verticillium than ‘Greenlace’. Of the two wilt-tolerant cultivars, ‘Jade Glen’ proved to be susceptible (galls and egg masses produced) to three of the four nematodes and five of the six plants subjected to these nematodes and the Verticillium fungus exhibited “total wilt.” On the other hand, the wilt-tolerant ‘Parkway’, although galled by two of the nematodes, did not suffer any leaf loss or wilt. Thus, it appeared that although the successful reproduction of root-knot nematodes on Norway maples were not necessary for the expression of wilt symptoms, certain “wilt-tolerant” but nematode-susceptible clones could suffer severe wilt as result of the synergistic action of both pathogens. Interestingly, on three of the five ‘Jade Glen’ plants that exhibited total wilt, one or more symtomless epicormic branches developed near the base of the plants. Such behavior would indicate a tendency of this cultivar to be able to “compartmentalize” the Verticillium infection.
With the exception of the ‘Autumn Flame’ - M. incognita combination, all three red maple clones were highly susceptible to all of the nematodes. However, none of the red maples exhibited any wilt symptoms (Table 1).
Of the maple seedlings inoculated with Verticillium and root-knot nematodes, only Norway maple showed evidence of a synergistic effect of the two pathogens. One each of the two plants inoculated with M. arenaria-Race 1, M. incognita, and M. javanica were killed by the fungus-nematode combination. It was not possible to determine the level of nematode infestation on the dead root systems of these plants. The potentially high degree of variability in nematode susceptibility among seedlings of the same progeny noted earlier (9), would suggest, however, that the dead seedlings had been more extensively parasitized than those that had survived.
The Oregon maple (A. macrophyllum) seedlings inoculated with Verticillium alone were leafless and virtually dead 30 days after treatment. Terminal growth on both of the seedlings that had been inoculated with Verticillium and M. arenaria-Race 1 or M. incognita was also killed within 30 days, but none of the leaves below the terminal area were lost during the next three months. The seedlings inoculated with Verticillium and M. arenaria-Race 2 did not exhibit any wilt symptoms.
No seedlings of the other maple species lost any leaves during the four-month period following Verticillium or Verticillium-nematode inoculation. The seedlings of A. negundo and A. saccharum were practically symptomless and, while there were minor variations among treatments in A. pseudoplatanus and A. velutinum, none of the nematode-inoculated plants exhibited more foliar symptoms than those inoculated only with the Verticillium fungus.
This is the first report of synergism between root-knot nematodes and Verticillium wilt in woody plants. The host range of Verticillium wilt is extensive and we are just beginning to expand our knowledge of root-knot nematodes. Atthis juncture, such synergism would appear to play a minor role among the many maladies of urban and landscape trees, but the door is now open for more detailed studies on a wider range of woody plants.
The author is indebted to Louise G.H. Riedel, Horticulturist and Biological Technicians Patricia S. Raymo and Monique L. Petersen for assistance in various phases of this study. As noted, Horticulturist Susan E. Bentz provided the plants and Verticillium isolates.
- © 1992, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.